Tag Archives: Jerry Addington

A Visit to Jerry Addington’s

Jerry Addington

Last month, I once again had the pleasure of visiting one of the great Sarracenia influences in my life, Jerry Addington. It is always a great treat to have been able to visit twice in a season. (Check out my visit to Jerry’s place – June 2015.) Special thanks to my bro Kinjie for making this happen. Company at Jerry’s spot also included fellow Sarracenia-philes Ron Spores and Kyle Hooper on this visit. We had a most excellent time just geeking out over the plants. And yeah, It was absolutely brilliant seeing the plants again; this time they were gowned in their autumnal attire. Leucophyllas and their hybrids were putting on quite the show. And as always – the sheer magnitude of quality and quantity of plants at Jerry’s place is overwhelming. Enjoy a few of the photos from this visit! Just a small sampling of photos are below, but be sure to check out the slideshow for all of the photos from my visit.

Jerry, as always – thank you for everything. Hope to be back again soon!


View slideshow in full screen.

Addington 10 Oct 2015-273

Sarracenia Squad: [Co, Addington, Coe]

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Addington 10 Oct 2015-42
Addington 10 Oct 2015-43
Addington 10 Oct 2015-70

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Addington 10 Oct 2015-117


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Addington 10 Oct 2015-239

This was really nice to see. This was grown from seed that I did that I sent Jerry. The parents are S. rosea “Big Mama” x purpurea ssp. venosa AF. You can see the S. “Big Mama” influence in the ala (the “wing” being held) and the other cool thing – this plant is AF recessive! Jerry – hope you can use this in future breeding projects!

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Addington 10 Oct 2015-35


Addington 10 Oct 2015-1

Ron giving us presentation on his recent Sarracenia adventures while we wait for some awesome Thai food!

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Addington 10 Oct 2015-278

A Visit to Jerry’s – June 2015

Earlier this month my carni-bro Kinjie and I had the pleasure of visiting Jerry Addington. (Ron, great seeing you too!) It is always an honor and a joy spending time with Jerry. No matter how much time I spend there –  I simply can not comprehend the amount of botanical beauty and badassery that is present. I won’t even try to describe it – so hope you enjoy a few photos from this visit!

Highlight photo reel in the post below, full photo set in the slideshow. Check out the full Screen slideshow here.) Enjoy!

And Jerry – as always, thank you for your generosity and kindness. Thank you for being an inspiration to me and to so many others. You’re awesome man.


(Full Screen slideshow here.)

Addington June 2015Jerry. And that shirt tho.

Addington June 2015-340 Trophy house.

Addington June 2015-2 Kinjie and Ron admiring the plants.

Addington June 2015-52

Addington June 2015-26

Addington June 2015-17

Addington June 2015-21

Addington June 2015-40

Addington June 2015-44

Addington June 2015-63

Addington June 2015-71

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Addington June 2015 5:37 AM at Jerry’s. Beauty.

Addington June 2015-212

Addington June 2015-296 Kinjie in effect.

Addington June 2015-216Ugh. I just love this leuco! Short stubby lid, and it’s pubescent!

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Addington June 2015-287 This one is for you, Jenn.

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Addington June 2015-341

Addington June 2015-344Sarracenia on the road – Mt. Shasta in the back ground!

Addington June 2015Had to share this shot. On the road back home, we were in Shasta County somewhere. It was 107°F and the sky was falling.

Addington June 2015 #SelfiesWithJerry!

Surprise, Jerry!

Back on 6 and 7 Jun 2014, a plan went into effect to surprise one of the wonderful botanical inspirations in my life: my friend, Jerry Addington the GREAT. Jerry was hosting an assemblage of carnivorous plant growers at his place in the Washington countryside and this was something that I did not want to miss. I figured it would be the perfect time to surprise Jerry.

In addition to this, another good friend of mine – the legendary Wes Buckner and his family were all going to be there as well! I saw Wes, Megan, and Caleb a couple of weeks prior to Jerry’s event. They stopped by my place on their road trip out from Tennessee and I got to show them a little bit of the SF Bay Area. Good times!

Anyway, I figured I might as well just surprise them ALL at Jerry’s. Helping me organize this surprise was my brother from another mother – Kinjie Coe. (Yeah, I knowwww – Coe and Co!) I flew out to Portland the day before Jerry’s gathering on Friday, 6 Jun 2014 where Kinjie picked me up and we started on our journey to Jerry’s. On the way up there, Kinjie took me on a little detour to visit another local grower, The Professor. What a way to start a wonderful weekend full of carnivorous plant goodness. (See previous post.)

It was amazing seeing plants, but it was definitely awe inspiring to to meet many other fellow growers and carnivorous-plant-o-philes in person! I am very thankful that I got to meet so many amazing people on this epic weekend.

Below you’ll find a short video (gotta love Jerry’s reaction!) as well as a slideshow and some highlight photos.

Kinjie – thanks so much for helping make this happen, bro. Chiemi, Malia, Bently, and Ipo – a huge thank you for allowing a couple of plant crazed guys into your home. 🙂 Jerry – as always I am filled with gratitude for your hospitality and generosity. I am beyond blessed to know you. Thank you.


View the full screen slideshow here.


A Surprise Visit to Courting Frogs Nursery

A Surprise Visit to Courting Frogs Nursery

A Surprise Visit to Courting Frogs Nursery

A Surprise Visit to Courting Frogs Nursery

A Surprise Visit to Courting Frogs Nursery

Operation Addington Surprise - Jun 2014

A Surprise Visit to Courting Frogs Nursery

A Surprise Visit to Courting Frogs Nursery

A Surprise Visit to Courting Frogs Nursery

Operation Addington Surprise - Jun 2014

Operation Addington Surprise - Jun 2014

A Surprise Visit to Courting Frogs Nursery

A Surprise Visit to Courting Frogs Nursery

A Surprise Visit to Courting Frogs Nursery

A Surprise Visit to Courting Frogs Nursery

A Surprise Visit to Courting Frogs Nursery

A Surprise Visit to Courting Frogs Nursery

A Surprise Visit to Courting Frogs Nursery

A Surprise Visit to Courting Frogs Nursery

A Surprise Visit to Courting Frogs Nursery

A Surprise Visit to Courting Frogs Nursery

A Surprise Visit to Courting Frogs Nursery

A Surprise Visit to Courting Frogs Nursery

A Surprise Visit to Courting Frogs Nursery

A Surprise Visit to Courting Frogs Nursery

The Crossing: AF Collab Project Continues

Awww yeah. The AF (Anthocyanin Free) collaboration project continues! Back in 2009 I crossed S. minor var. okefenokeensis with S. “Green Monster” – this was a collaboration was the brainchild of Jerry Addington which I was able to execute thanks to the homie, Mike Wang. (You can read about how that all came about here.)

Since then I’ve been able to cross the siblings, as well as self pollinate them. The main idea from 2009 was to create AF S. minor looking plants. I’m glad to report there are some AF seedlings that are coming out of the various crosses I’ve done using these plants. I can’t wait to see those pitchers as they develop!

Sarracenia pollinationPollination in progress: S. minor var. okefenokeensis x “Green Monster” is being pollinated with S. minor -AF pollen.

This year I was fortunate enough to have one of my AF S. minors bloom simultaneously with one of the S. minor var. okefenokeensis x “Green Monster” clones. I used the AF minor pollen and crossed that onto S. minor var. okefenokeensis x “Green Monster” – clone 2. In theory, this should yield a percentage of AF plants with heavy S. minor influence, since 3/4ths of the progeny will be S. minor. I’m hoping for some slight undulation in the hooded lid as well – which is derived from the S. leucophylla parentage in S. “Green Monster.” But then again, who knows what will come out of this cross!

Sarracenia minor var. okefenokeensis x "Green Monster" - Clone 2Pod Parent: S. minor var. okefenokeensis x “Green Monster”

Sarracenia minor - Anthocyanin FreePollen Parent: S. minor – Anthocyanin Free

Sarracenia minor - Anthocyanin Free
Pollen Parent – Another Angle:  S. minor – Anthocyanin Free

A Visit: Oudean’s Willow Creek and Courting Frogs Nursery

I recently returned from a family vacation up in Seattle, WA. I love it up there! While I was up there, I had the privilege of visiting my friends Karen Oudean (Oudean’s Willow Creek Nursery) and Jerry Addington (Courting Frogs Nursery.) While at Jerry’s I had the grand pleasure of meeting Pheadra Dunko and Kinjie Coe. It was great meeting you both! (Brie – sorry I just missed you! Next trip!) I put a short video of clips from each place together above. Hope you enjoy it. Below are slide shows from each nursery, and a few highlight photos from each visit.

Karen and Jerry – Thank you as always for your kindness and hospitality!

Oudean’s Willow Creek Nursery – View Fullscreen

Courting Frogs Nursery – View Fullscreen


Oudean's Willow Creek NurseryOudean’s Willow Creek Nursery

Oudean's Willow Creek Nursery
Oudean’s Willow Creek Nursery

Oudean's Willow Creek NurseryOudean’s Willow Creek Nursery

Oudean's Willow Creek Nursery
Oudean’s Willow Creek Nursery

Oudean's Willow Creek Nursery
Oudean’s Willow Creek Nursery


Courting Frogs Nursery
Courting Frogs Nursery

Courting Frogs Nursery
Courting Frogs Nursery

Courting Frogs Nursery
Courting Frogs Nursery

Courting Frogs Nursery
Courting Frogs Nursery

Courting Frogs Nursery
Jerry, The Carnie Godfather
Courting Frogs Nursery
(Left to Right: Me, Kinjie, Jerry, Phaedra)

Oh Psitt…

Sarracenia psittacniaSarracenia psittacina
A select large and vigorous seed grown plant from Jerry Addington.

Sarracenia psittacnia
Sarracenia psittacina
A select plant from Jerry Addington.
Same plant as in the above photo with my lens cap for scale.
This plant is  currently a little over 1 foot in diameter.

Collaboration Update: S. minor giant x “Green Monster”

Sarracenia minor var. okefenokeensis x "Green Monster" - 1 Sarracenia minor var. okefenokeensis x "Green Monster" - 2 Sarracenia minor var. okefenokeensis x "Green Monster" - 3
Sarracenia minor var. okefenokeensis x “Green Monster”

Left to right: Clones 1, 2, 3
Cross done in 2009.
These plants are a a result of the collaboration project with Jerry Addington and Mike Wang that I describe here and here.