Tag Archives: jamban

November Photo Reel – Phone Edition

Eh… so my camera is currently in the shop getting some repairs. I should have it back sometime soon, just in time to capture more photos of… dead foliage. Heh Heh! Still, that won’t stop me from taking beloved plant photos. (You can always find me and more plant madness on Instagram too – @rco911!) Anyway, enjoy a few photos snapped by the mobile device. Cheers!

UntitledUnder the Nepenthes dome. View in fullscreen here!

UntitledSarracenia leucophylla – Franklin Co., FL
Clone A x B, Select Clone. Cross by Wes Buckner.

 Seed pod. Sarracenia alata “Red Mustache” x alata ‘Night’
One of the last seed pods of the season.

 Sarracenia rosea – veinless. One of the last remaining pitchers that look somewhat decent.

UntitledNepenthes tiveyi – “Red Queen”
(Thanks, Kinjie!)

 Nepenthes ventricosa x talangensis
Just popped open.

 Nepenthes “Song of Melancholy”

 Nepenthes ventricosa x tiveyi
(Thanks, Paul!)

 Nepenthes jamban

 Drosophyllum lusitanicum

 Amorphophallus titanum
Not carnivorous – but still worth the mention. (Thanks Derek!)

Nepenthes: They Live!

Nepenthes. Yes, they live!

A few months ago, we had a relatively nasty cold snap (hey, cold for us at least) that the Nepenthes didn’t appreciate very much.  I think it got down to the mid 30’s or something. I had the Nepenthes growing out in the unheated greenhouse with no protection like this.

With lack of a better plan, I moved them to the corner of the greenhouse and just threw overwintering film on them. For the past few months, there they stayed. I didn’t pay much attention to them as they were kind of depressing to look at. Crispy brown all over the place. Not good. Dahlia or I would water them every now and then by lifting up the overwintering film and just aimlessly hosing everything down. I had my fingers crossed hoping I would get something that would survive. And survive they did!

I wanted to do a better job this year. If I left that monster dome up, the plants would of had better protection. But nooooo, I was ambitious and brought that house down in December (DECEMBER!) of all  months. Geez. Hey, that dome took up 3 tables worth of space! I didn’t need anything that big. So my plan for this year was to provide them better shelter that didn’t take up a footprint of 20′ x 15′. That’s too much and I need that space for Sarracenia.


So, I picked up a sweet 6 x 8 greenhouse find on Craigslist and that would be the new Nepenthes house. (Thanks Steve!) This is a great size. It doesn’t take up a lot of room, and come winter I can insulate the small greenhouse with greenhouse bubble wrap, or something of that nature. This should keep it a little warmer and offer a little more protection from the cold. I had my eldest son Josiah help me put the greenhouse together. It reminded me of when I put my first greenhouse together with my grandfather when I was about Josiah’s age.

This last week I spent some time cleaning the Nepenthes up and moving them into their new home. The photo below is very depressing. I had thought this plant was a goner for sure! If you look closely, a few months under the overwinter film proved helpful. There’s a couple basal shoots in there!! Yeah!!

Nepenthes reloadedThe Nepenthes took a beating from the cold a few months back…

I know, that’s just nasty up there. Fortunately after trimming all the dead crap off, I found signs of life! YEAH!

Nepenthes reloadedThe Nepenthes lives! Yes. Yesss… YEAASS!!

Nepenthes densiflora x truncata-1-3I did have a lot of losses though and I’m still mourning those plants. As my friend Kinjie told me regarding these plants, “Hey, you gotta learn somehow!” Yes, true, but losing plants is a sucky way to learn! To the left is a Nepenthes densiflora x truncata. You can see some of the cold damage that this baby took. The center of the plant is still alive and there are new growpoints forming where the cold turned the main growpoint into mush. In any event, I’m so very glad that many of the plants survived. Some of the surprises that I found under that overwinter film provided some great comfort, hope, and solace.


Nepenthes HouseNepenthes cleaned up and just moved in!


They have survived.

Nepenthes spectabilis x singalana
Nepenthes spectabilis x singalana

Nepenthes peltata
Nepenthes peltata – new foliage looking good.

Nepenthes spectabilis

Nepenthes boschiana x densiflora – new pitcher forming.

Nepenthes “Dormouse”

A very pleasant surprise – pitchers on Nepenthes jamban!

Nepenthes tiveyi – “Red Queen”

Nepenthes Poi Dog – Maxima Hybrid

Last year’s cuttings with new growth!

Nepenthes ventricosa x tiveyi – new pitcher just opening.

Shooting Around

Just a few random shots from around the ‘house… enjoy!


S. oreophila x 'Adrian Slack'Sarracenia oreophila x ‘Adrian Slack’

Nepenthes JambanNepenthes jamban

Darlingtonia californiaDarlingtonia californica peeking out over the edge

Pinguicula "John Rizzi"Pinguicula “John Rizzi” in bloom

S. (oreophila x 'Royal Ruby') x 'Adrian Slack'S. (oreophila x ‘Royal Ruby’) x ‘Adrian Slack’ – young pitcher of a cross I did a couple of years ago. I believe that this is a pitcher that was sent up a bit later last season.

S. [(oreophila x minor) x (purpurea x rubra) x leucophylla] x "Green Frog"S. [(oreophila x minor) x (purpurea x rubra) x leucophylla] x “Green Frog”
This is a complex hybrid I did a few years ago. It’s the first time I’ve actually seen some characteristics from this baby.

S. psittacinaSarracenia psittacina
This is a large clone from Jerry Addington. It is still dormant and was recently repotted. It does not look like much now, but hoping it throws out some beast-mode behemoth foliage once it wakes from dormancy.

Sarracena rosea "Big Mama"Sarracenia rosea “Big Mama”
It’s currently dormant and recently repotted. Just like the S. psittacina above, I am hoping it throws out some beast-mode behemoth foliage once it wakes.

Sarracenia venosa, AF CloneSarracenia venosa, anthocyanin free clone

Nepenthes Update

Just a few quick updates on some of the Nepenthes action here!

Nepenthes Fusca HybridHere’s an update on the Nepenthes fusca hybrid cutting from PaulMany of those cuttings are showing growth points at this stage. Woohoo!

Nepenthes hamata
A baby Nepenthes hamata, with a new pitcher.
Oh, the cute little teeth are becoming a little more prominent!

Nepenthes maxima hybrid
A Nepenthes maxima hybrid from Paul.

Nepenthes jamban
Nepenthes jamban, a new pitcher opening.

Poppin’ Jamban

Recently a new pitcher of Nepenthes jamban popped open! This Nepenthes really fascinates me. It has  such a unique … toilet like shape. My understanding is “jamban” in Indonesian translates to “toilet.” Anyway, this Nepenthes by any other name would be just as awesome. I can’t wait for the other pitchers to open up… it has a couple more toilets, er, pitchers… forming that I’m looking forward to!

Nepenthes jamban

Nepenthes jamban

Nepenthes jambanNepenthes jamban

A Few Nepenthes

Here’s a few Nepenthes photos! They’re lovin’ their dome and I’m seeing quite a bit of new pitchers forming. It’s all so exciting for me and I can see why these plants are so addicting!

nepenthes thorelii x aristolochioides

Nepenthes thorelii x aristolochioides

Nepenthes ventricosa X tiveyi
Nepenthes ventricosa x tiveyi

Nepenthes robcantleyii-1
Nepenthes robcantleyii

Nepenthes densiflora x truncata
Nepenthes densiflora x truncata

Nepenthes eymae
Nepenthes eymae

Nepenthes jamban-1-2Nepenthes jamban – new pitcher forming! YAY!

A Few September Shots

Howdy! Just a few shots from around the greenhouse… enjoy!

Nepenthes jamban
Nepenthes jamban

Pinguicula medusina
Pinguicula medusina

Dionaea muscipula
Dionaea muscipula

Drosera binata var. mutifida
Drosera binata var. multifida

Sarracenia (leucophylla x oreophila) x 'Adrian Slack'
Sarracenia (leucophylla x oreophila) x ‘Adrian Slack’ – select clone

Sarracenia ((rubra x oreophila) x flava v. rugelii) x 'Adrian Slack'
Sarracenia ((rubra x oreophila) x flava var. rugelii) x ‘Adrian Slack’

Sarracenia 'Leah Wilkerson' x 'Adrian Slack'
Sarracenia ‘Leah Wilkerson’ x ‘Adrian Slack’

Sarracenia "Pink Eye"Sarracenia “Pink Eye”