Tag Archives: in the garden

Autumn 2011

Hello Autumn. My favorite season indeed.   I love how the sun is starting to get lower on the horizon casting lengthening shadows day by day.  It’s kinda summery-ish here in my area – at least maybe for the rest of this week or something.  I do notice the mornings are getting that increasingly crisp cool edge on them.  I start to immerse myself in pumpkin spice lattes, fireplaces on the cooler nights, and… of course — MORE GARDEN WORK!!!  Yep, I’m doing a lot of clean up still removing old pitchers and foliage about the garden.  There’s so much to do – and I enjoy doing it!

Yeah, I know its been a few days since I’ve posted … I’ve really been busy cleaning up the mess back here…  I’ve also been busy with a few other projects – but it’s always good to get away from the computer/desk and be out in the garden.   Back to the garden to get grounded.  I actually prefer it out there.

Here’s a few shots of how autumn 2011 is starting off.  I’m just randomly snapping about in the garden – not all photos are of Sarracenia, and not all are carnivorous plants…  however, all for me are enjoyable to grow!

Fall-1A few Sarracenia flava clones.

Fall-2Stick around a bit! Drosera binata spp. dichitoma.


Fall-4Tub full of Sarracenia — man this needs some cleaning up.

Fall-5Drosophyllum lusitanicum. 

Fall-6A few Sarracenia courtii AF x ‘Green Monster’ seedlings.

Fall-7It’s like a jungle sometimes…

Fall-8The Spiral Aloe: Aloe polyphylla.

Fall-9Sarracenia seedlings.

Fall-10Sarracenia nastiness going on.  See all those dead pitchers? F*ckin’ nasty.



Fall-13Greenhouse.   Needs a shave/haircut/Katana blade treatment… nasty.

Fall-14Sarracenia. I really should do something about those weeds…

Fall-15Sarracenia – going crispy.

Fall-16Sarracenia flava… going crispy.


Fall-18A red Sarracenia moorei – starting to burn out and go dormant.

Shootin’ Around

It was one of those lazy Sundays today. It was raining on and off and that just added to my desire to do nothing but veg today. I took the camera out to the yard and just shot around. Here’s a few photos from my lazy day — not all Sarracenia, not all carnivorous…

[After the rain, the view from my deck.]

[Nepenthes spectabilis]

[Dionaea muscipula, starting to flower.]

[Drosera binata ‘Marston Dragon’]

[Sarracenia rubra ssp gulfensis “Black” x “Bug Bat”]

[Nepenthes jamban, fresh pitcher]


[Drosophyllum lusitanicum and moth hangnin’ around.]

[Sarracenia leucophylla ‘Tarnok’]

[Sarracenia ‘Reptilian Rose’ x (flava “Red” x leucophylla), old pitcher]

[Sarracenia flava var. ornata, Bulloch Co., GA]

[Sarracenia purpurea ssp. venosa var. burkii]