Tag Archives: i just noticed my pitcher full of crap

Oh Crap

So the other day as I was just wandering about the Sarracenia grow pit inspecting the plants and I noticed some of the pitchers lined with poo from either slug or snail.  I don’t have any pitcher damage from slugs or snails eating the foliage, but I do notice the slimy critters now and then.  I guess they’ve been using the pitchers as their restroom or something.  I’ve been noticing this crappy phenomenon more often now.

Anyone else’s  ever get pitchers o’ crap? If it’s been going on for some time with my plants, I guess it hasn’t been harming them. Perhaps the plants feed off of it?! Eh, whatever.  Sarracenia can sure put up with some crazy sh*t; that’s fo’ sho.

Oh Crap
[Sarracenia pitcher full o’ crap.]