Tag Archives: hummingbird


Hey all! Yo, it has been a while. I’m still around – work has just been a bit busy as of late, but the plants have been there to keep me sane. Just wanted to share a few photos of a visitor that I normally get around this time of year. And don’t mind the dead pitchers – it’s that season for me where everything is starting to burn out. (Ugh, already thinking about all that trimming…)

I see this lil’ homie checking out mostly Sarracenia leucophylla and leucophylla hybrids. Anyone else notice this when hummingbirds visit? What Sarracenia are they attracted to? In any event, it is always nice to enjoy the plants with the company of my fine feathered friend.









A few days ago as I was working in the greenhouse, I had a visitor drop by! A hummingbird comes by every now and then and keeps me company. I’m glad that I actually had my camera on me to take a few frames of my esteemed guest. Here it is, sipping nectar from the last remaining Sarracenia leucophylla pitchers of the season.







Hummingbird extraction

Hello out there y’all. I took a few days off and was out of town in beautiful Lake Tahoe for a few days. It was nice to get away from the office for once and just enjoy air and light. And trees. And lake.

Just wanted to share what happened today in the greenhouse… it’s not really too Sarracenia related, but it was pretty fascinating anyway.

I got back into the garden today and managed to get some work done. I was sorting some Sarracenia seedlings out, and was repotting a few others plants just to make some more room.  When I walked into there of the greenhouse where I let the seedlings grow up a bit, I was surprised to find a hummingbird stuck!  I guess it was the flowering Pinguiculas that attracted it. Nice to observe the hummingbird at such a close distance, but the bird could not find it’s way out no matter how much I tried to urge it towards the door.  Now, I have some chickenwire to support the woven polycarbonate roof, and the bird kept flying into it and at times would get a little trapped then wriggle free again. It kept wanting to fly up and out — and kept hitting the wire ceiling.  Geez… Poor thing.  The opening to the greenhouse I have is *much* lower than the ceiling height, so regardless of what I did to to try to get it out, it would not fly out of the door.  My vents are covered with a screen as well, so no way of it escaping that way.  So… in order for it to leave and be set free, I had to take the situation in my own hands. Literally.

Hummingbird[Hummingbird stuck in the greenhouse. I wonder if the hanging Drosera’s thought it was a meal?…]

[Gotcha!  My greenhouse is not the place for you, homie. You could become lunch for one of my plants!  Time to go, lil’ buddy…]

Hummingbird[I let go outdoors right after this photo. I actually felt a hummingbirds heartbeat today… ]