Tag Archives: grow

A Preview

Where oh where has Rob been?

Heya folks! Bloggin from the phone again. It’s been a busy time, and I’ll fill you in on the details of what’s going on in due season. Lots of transitions, but change isn’t always a bad thing. Change can — and will bring growth, right?

For now, I shall leave you with a sneak peek…

So It Begins

Howdy y’all!

Sorry I haven’t really posted for a while. Lots of stuff going on for me lately. I just wanted to let ya know that *yes*, I am still alive. Today was my first day on the new job. I’ve been in transition mode last week, hence my short absence.  I hope to settle into my new (and very awesome) schedule soon to bring you more Sarracenia and carnivore cheer. Yes.

Since we’re on the topic of seed germination and growth, (both in the garden and personally for me…) I wanted to show you how some of the new seeds are now doing out of the batch I referenced in the last post.  I see green, and some little root hair thingies forming! Photo taken today, 6/6/11. Gawrsh, aren’t they cute?

[Sarracenia sproutage in effect]