Tag Archives: fresh

A Fresh Formosa

Sarracenia formosa, anthocyanin free cloneSarracenia formosa, anthocyanin free clone

AF Sarracenia formosa – not just Anthocyanin Free Sarracenia formosa, but A FRESH formosa! (See: “fresh” as defined in the urban dictionary). Sarracenia formosa is a hybrid anthocyanin free forms of minor and psittacina; both anthocyanin free versions are somewhat limited in cultivation (at least for now), and a hybrid between the two plants is pretty interesting! This is a young seedling and  I’m looking forward to growing it out to flowering maturity.

Grab Life by the Rhizome

Just a couple quick photos of a Sarracenia rhizome, after clean up. I stripped away the dead crusty stuff and left behind this rhizome awesomeness. These were divided and planted in fresh new media.

Rhizome of Sarracenia leucophylla – Chipola, FL photographed below.