Tag Archives: formosa


I recently got all the plants somewhat sorted out and kind of clean, but I haven’t really done much dividing or trimming yet. I’ll be getting to that. Anyway, if you know me you’ll know that I can be kind of a pyro-maniac at times. That even includes times in the greenhouse.

Now, controlled burns like what Bob Hanrahan does here are beneficial and necessary for the well being of these plants. Burns like I’ve photographed below are unnecessary, and more for my entertainment value. I guess. (Kids don’t try this at home). I think it looked cool so just snapped a couple photos … ‘cuz I’m a nut like that. Besides, I had to keep warm in the greenhouse somehow, right?

Sarracenia on FireSarracenia leucophylla on fire

Sarracenia on FireSarracenia formosa flambe

A Fresh Formosa

Sarracenia formosa, anthocyanin free cloneSarracenia formosa, anthocyanin free clone

AF Sarracenia formosa – not just Anthocyanin Free Sarracenia formosa, but A FRESH formosa! (See: “fresh” as defined in the urban dictionary). Sarracenia formosa is a hybrid anthocyanin free forms of minor and psittacina; both anthocyanin free versions are somewhat limited in cultivation (at least for now), and a hybrid between the two plants is pretty interesting! This is a young seedling and  I’m looking forward to growing it out to flowering maturity.