Tag Archives: Flava var. rubricoropora

A Reptile Baby


Sarracenia 'Reptilian Rose' x  (flava var. rubricorpora x leucophylla)
[Sarracenia ‘Reptilian Rose’ x (flava var. rubricorpora x leucophylla)]

Howdy! I got home tonight while there was still a little light out (amazingly enough), and snapped this shot of an up and comping S. ‘Reptilian Rose’ hybrid. This is one of a few that are coming up right now.  This  is a seed grown plant and showing off some of it’s first pitchers of the season. The  pitcher on the left just opened, so has a bit of that pinched mouf’ thing going on.  The cross was created by Dr. Travis Wyman.  As you know, S. ‘Reptilian Rose’ truly is a stunning plant, and is one of my all time favorites, and was created by fellow Sarracenia dude-homie-bro, (and freekin’ Sarracenia Master), Phil Faulisi.

This seedling is just under 2 1/2 years old now (germinated in December, ’08) and as you can see, it’s showing some character now. I’ll update again in a bit once there’s more pitchers that are open. Check this out, for a look back  at some of the other seedlings just a about 8 months ago. My how the kids grow fast!