Tag Archives: dude

Hello November

Bloggin’ from the iPhone right now… (so glad I could do this from here.) I had this whole November photo post I wanted to share with you all but due to awesome circumstances, it will have to wait.

Anyway, I had a pretty good day today. Hung out with Jenn doing a rad photoshoot for dirtygirl awesomeness! After that the fam and I chillaxed in wonderful HMB and El Granada.

So, I got home, and that’s when the fun started. I turned on the computer and… BAM!!! Awwww F!!CK! Blue screen of death. My hard drive crashed. Totally awesome, yes? Sooooo — yeah. I gotta fix that. Booooo!! 🙁

In the mean time while I wait for my ‘puter to get up and running, here are a few iPhone pics…


Greenhouse: November

The Green Monster loves coffee.

Sarracenia mitchelliana x moorei

Sarracenia readii x moorei select

Darlingtonia californica babies

Pinguicula (I got these as P. weser- not entirely 100% positive on ID though)

The most awesome bomb-ass 3 cheese mac n cheese with crispy bacon, sautéed shallots, and sweet butternut squash. (From Flavor restaurant, in El Granada)

Yeah. I just had to get some food in there… Haha!

Anyway, I hope to get my computer up and running again soon so I could get some more Sarracenia radness your way! Hope your November is starting off pretty awesome! (Sans the computer crashes…) Happy growing y’all!

Take the Leap

A leaf hopper quietly sits and is tempting fate – about to take the plunge into S. AF courtii x “Green Monster”.  This leap into the abyss was very bad for Mr. Leafhopper, but very good for the plant. (Yummy!)
Livin' on the edge
[Leafhopper vs. S. courtii AF x “Green Monster”]

I took my own leap of faith yesterday as well… it was a first for me, but certainly *not* going to be my last.  A truly amazing experience indeed.  And I admit, the rush is kind of addicting! Leaping from close to 2 miles above the earth was unforgettable and a humbling experience that redefined my perception. Releasing all fear and restraint opens up new doors to endless possibilities.  Take the leap.

On Edge
[Sarraceniadude in the sky! Photo by Mark @ NorCal Sky Diving.]