Tag Archives: Dirty Girl Gardening

Guns and the Fountain of Sarrs

Ok, for this post I have to stray *just a little* bit off the Sarracenia/carnivore path. Just as an FYI — I grow lots and lots of other *legal* things too here in my yard. Seriously. I’m a plant NUT, I grow all sorts of stuff, but it’s the carnivores and Sarracenia that I am overly obsessed with. Anyway, with all of this plant madness going on,  I’ve recently been on the warpath of downsizing and simplifying some other things to make room for … EVEN MORE  SARRACENIA!

One of my favorite plants, Gunnera, was running amok in my yard. So last week… I dug them all up. Freekin’ all day project that was. For those of you who don’t know, Gunnera is a monster. Awesome huge plant.  Awesome. Huge. Behemoth things.  I had G. tinctoria in abundance here in my yard, BUT being that my yard is not big enough, and that I am not able to meet their water demands, I had to give most of the Guns away.  Luckily for me, fellow blogger homie Jenn at Dirty Girl Gardening was able to provide a home for them. Y’all can read more about it here. Also another plant ended up with fellow bloggers Meg and Matti at Far Out Flora earlier this year.  I kept a couple small divisions back; however I know that these plants multiply very quickly and I feel as if I’m going to end up giving many away again soon!

[A couple G’s lookin’ like dead bodies… strapped down and ready to roll.]

[Trunk full of Gunnera rhizomes]

[The Guns arriving at their new home]

…And over at the G’s new home, what’s really cool is Jenn’s *Fount o’ Sarrs!* I think this is a pretty slick place to grow Sarrs. Mos’ def.  It’s still winter and the plants are still somewhat dormant, but you can see that one S. leucophylla or leucophylla hybrid on the lower right sending up some new growth.

[The Fountain of Sarracenia]

[Check out Sarracenia purpurea chillin’ at the top]

[Here’s some bottled up goodness from the fount o’ Sarrs. :)]

-Jenn, thanks for taking the babies in, I looking forward to see how they take over your yard! :)-