Tag Archives: Dana’s Delight

An Assembly of Sarracenia

 Just a few shots from around the greenhouse for your viewing pleasure. Enjoy!

Sarracenia alata "Red Mustache"
A fly lives life on the edge… Sarracenia alata “Red Mustache” eventually wins.

Sarracenia (leucophylla purple lips x flava var. rubricorpora) x 'Adrian Slack'
Sarracenia (leucophylla “Purple Lips” x flava var. rubricorpora) x ‘Adrian Slack’

Sarracenia oreophila x leucophylla
Sarracenia oreophila x leucophylla

Sarracenia areolata x Danas Delight
Sarracenia areolata x ‘Dana’s Delight’
Cross by Dr. Travis H. Wyman

Sarracenia 'Black Widow' x flava var. rubricorpora
Sarracenia ‘Black Widow’ x flava var. rubricorpora
One of many wonderful plants that came out of this cross.
Cross by Dr. Travis H. Wyman

Sarracenia 'Kilimanjaro'
Sarracenia ‘Kilimanjaro’
Cross by Jerry Addington

leucophylla "Juju Lips" x flava "Wide Mouth"
Sarracenia leucophylla “Juju Lips” x flava “Wide Mouth”

Sarracenia Wilkersons Red Rocket x flava var. rubricorporaSarracenia “Blood Moon”
Parentage: Sarracenia “Wilkerson’s Red Rocket” x flava var. rubricorpora
Cross by Brooks Garcia


I would usually do all my work in the greenhouse while the sun would shine, but I’ve recently installed some lights to work by! No longer limited by daylight hours, I can get a little bit more work done after hours. Sweet!

Greenhouse NightshiftLight it up.

Sarracenia flava v. cuprea
Sarracenia flava v. cuprea unfolding.

Sarracenia leucophylla "Purple Lips" x flava v. ornataSarracenia leucophylla “Purple Lips” x flava v. ornata

Sarracenia areolata x 'Dana's Delight'Sarracenia areolata x ‘Dana’s Delight’ flowers
Cross by Dr. Travis H. Wyman
(Here’s the plant back in October.)

Sarracenia areolata x ‘Dana’s Delight’

Ahhh. this cross is showing off some bangin’ color right here! Almost as if to say – “Yo, look at me. LOOK AT MEEEEE!” – A deep and vibrant fall flush of color explodes above the old floppy foliage. This is Sarracenia areolata x ‘Dana’s Delight’ (or ‘Diana’s Delight’)  – a cross by Dr. Travis H. Wyman from 2008 that I grew out from seed. Seed was received from Dr. Wyman on 17 July 2008. A couple different clones photographed below. Bangin’.

Sarracenia areolata x 'Dana's Delight'
Sarracenia areolata x ‘Dana’s Delight’

Sarracenia areolata x 'Dana's Delight'
Sarracenia areolata x ‘Dana’s Delight’

Sarracenia areolata x 'Dana's Delight'Sarracenia areolata x ‘Dana’s Delight’