Tag Archives: Damnnn

Carnivorous Weekend – 2 of 2: Garden of Faulisi

Carnivorous collection hopping weekend – part 2 of 2.

After visiting Mike’s garden filled with blinding leucos, we drove down to meet our buddy Calen over at Phil’s spot. That is right – the grand finale in last week’s serendipitous Sarracenia soiree takes us to the garden of Faulisi. Phil Faulisi. The man. The legend. Oh boy, and the plants? All I could say about that awesomeness was THIS. Click that link. Then play after every photo.

Phil – thanks so much as always for your hospitality. Always a pleasure to hang out and nerd out over plants!


Full screen slideshow with ALL the photos from the marvelous day – over here.


Sarracenias of Faulisi - 27 Sep 2015

Sarracenia “Megamouth”

Sarracenias of Faulisi - 27 Sep 2015

Sarracenias of Faulisi - 27 Sep 2015

Phil and his GIANT minor.

Sarracenias of Faulisi - 27 Sep 2015

Quick! Everyone touch the flava!

Sarracenias of Faulisi - 27 Sep 2015

Sarracenias of Faulisi - 27 Sep 2015

Sarracenias of Faulisi - 27 Sep 2015

Here’s the Dir-tay Mon-kay. Named after Truh-ay-ay. Haaaaaay.

Sarracenias of Faulisi - 27 Sep 2015

A sibling to Sarracenia “Megamouth” not as large but what a beauty.

Sarracenias of Faulisi - 27 Sep 2015

Wow. This this is so badass.

Sarracenias of Faulisi - 27 Sep 2015

Easily able to swallow an iPhone.

Sarracenias of Faulisi - 27 Sep 2015

No comment.

Sarracenias of Faulisi - 27 Sep 2015

Sarracenia “Stubbs” looking quite nice this time of year.

Sarracenias of Faulisi - 27 Sep 2015

Sarracenia ‘Stingray’

Sarracenias of Faulisi - 27 Sep 2015

Livin’ on the edge. Not for long though.

Sarracenias of Faulisi - 27 Sep 2015


Sarracenias of Faulisi - 27 Sep 2015

Trap Life.

Sarracenias of Faulisi - 27 Sep 2015

I think it ate a bird.

Sarracenias of Faulisi - 27 Sep 2015

Dried pitchers of the mighty Sarracenia “Saurus” still towering over the rest of the plants.

Sarracenias of Faulisi - 27 Sep 2015

A pitcher in the midst of phyllodia.

Sarracenias of Faulisi - 27 Sep 2015

A beautiful Jerry Addington hybrid that’s doing excellent here!

Sarracenias of Faulisi - 27 Sep 2015

Mmm… Hawt lips. Sarracenia “Hot Lips” that is.

Sarracenias of Faulisi - 27 Sep 2015

Straight up bling!

Sarracenias of Faulisi - 27 Sep 2015

I really enjoy all the windows. It almost reminds me of a stained glass cathedral… of insect death.

Sarracenias of Faulisi - 27 Sep 2015

Simply amazing!

Sarracenias of Faulisi - 27 Sep 2015

Just elegant.

Sarracenias of Faulisi - 27 Sep 2015

Sarracenias of Faulisi - 27 Sep 2015

Dude. These pitchers are as wide as your face.

Sarracenias of Faulisi - 27 Sep 2015

A really nice squat and chunky looking pitcher.

Sarracenias of Faulisi - 27 Sep 2015

Sarracenias of Faulisi - 27 Sep 2015

Sarracenias of Faulisi - 27 Sep 2015

Sarracenias of Faulisi - 27 Sep 2015

This mantis devoured the fly with a quickness.

Sarracenias of Faulisi - 27 Sep 2015

Phil’s new BFF.

Sarracenias of Faulisi - 27 Sep 2015

This is one amazing S. mitchelliana.

Sarracenias of Faulisi - 27 Sep 2015

WTF is this thing?! A stick insect?!?! What?!

Sarracenias of Faulisi - 27 Sep 2015

Sarracenia ‘Adrian Slack’

Sarracenias of Faulisi - 27 Sep 2015

Sarracenia ‘Hummer’s Okee Classic’ – with future meal.

Sarracenias of Faulisi - 27 Sep 2015

Sarracenia ‘Royal Ruby’

Sarracenias of Faulisi - 27 Sep 2015

Calen and the “pretty (Mega)mouf.”

Sarracenias of Faulisi - 27 Sep 2015


Sarracenias of Faulisi - 27 Sep 2015

Squad + Sarracenia.

Sarracenias of Faulisi - 27 Sep 2015

Squad after getting high off of Sarracenia. We cray.