Carnivorous collection hopping weekend – part 2 of 2.
After visiting Mike’s garden filled with blinding leucos, we drove down to meet our buddy Calen over at Phil’s spot. That is right – the grand finale in last week’s serendipitous Sarracenia soiree takes us to the garden of Faulisi. Phil Faulisi. The man. The legend. Oh boy, and the plants? All I could say about that awesomeness was THIS. Click that link. Then play after every photo.
Phil – thanks so much as always for your hospitality. Always a pleasure to hang out and nerd out over plants!
Full screen slideshow with ALL the photos from the marvelous day – over here.

Sarracenia “Megamouth”

Phil and his GIANT minor.

Quick! Everyone touch the flava!

Here’s the Dir-tay Mon-kay. Named after Truh-ay-ay. Haaaaaay.

A sibling to Sarracenia “Megamouth” not as large but what a beauty.

Wow. This this is so badass.

Easily able to swallow an iPhone.

No comment.

Sarracenia “Stubbs” looking quite nice this time of year.

Sarracenia ‘Stingray’

Livin’ on the edge. Not for long though.


Trap Life.

I think it ate a bird.

Dried pitchers of the mighty Sarracenia “Saurus” still towering over the rest of the plants.

A pitcher in the midst of phyllodia.

A beautiful Jerry Addington hybrid that’s doing excellent here!

Mmm… Hawt lips. Sarracenia “Hot Lips” that is.

Straight up bling!

I really enjoy all the windows. It almost reminds me of a stained glass cathedral… of insect death.

Simply amazing!

Just elegant.

Dude. These pitchers are as wide as your face.

A really nice squat and chunky looking pitcher.

This mantis devoured the fly with a quickness.

Phil’s new BFF.

This is one amazing S. mitchelliana.

WTF is this thing?! A stick insect?!?! What?!

Sarracenia ‘Adrian Slack’

Sarracenia ‘Hummer’s Okee Classic’ – with future meal.

Sarracenia ‘Royal Ruby’

Calen and the “pretty (Mega)mouf.”


Squad + Sarracenia.

Squad after getting high off of Sarracenia. We cray.