Tag Archives: create

Nerdy Pollen Storage

Hope everyone found Brook Garcia’s pollination tutorial helpful! I sure did!  Again, everyone has their own methods and variations on how to pollinate. My suggestion is — do whatever works best for you! Don’t be afraid to try new things.  Anyway, so in 2009 when I wanted to store the pollen to create crosses with plants that don’t bloom at the same time, I figured I could store pollen in little containers that were available at a local craft store.  I didn’t really want to keep the pollen on a q-tip as I wanted to be able to spread that pollen around to more plants. Saving the pollen in the container would allow me a little bit more control. So being the uber plant nerd I am — I stored the pollen.  Actually, it was fellow grower and friend Jacob Farin who called me a Sarracenia nerd when he saw what I was doing. (OK, yes, I am a Sarracenia nerd. I admit. And I’m PROUD!! YEAH!!)

Yes, that is correct. I stored the pollen.

In little pollen containers.

In a pollen case.

In the pollen storage section of my fridge.

Next to the bacon. You MUST store it next to bacon. If you didn’t know, pollen storage next to bacon actually keeps it viable longer.

(Actually — the fridge keeps the pollen viable longer, not the bacon. But yes, eat bacon. It is good for you.)

You can’t really see it in the photo, but I did tag those cases so I knew what pollen was being used. Good record keeping is key, and organization is a good practice.

When it came time for the pod parent to open up and bloom –  I just simply took my uber-nerdy pollen case and my even more super uber-nerdy pollen brushes and pollinated away!   Here’s a photo from April 2009 of my “Sarracenia Pollen Palette”.

Sarracenia nerdy indeed![A Sarracenia Pollen Palette. It’s nerdy. But it works.]


seedpods[Sarracenia Seed Pods, collected 8.15.10]
Clockwise from top: S. flava “widemouth” x ‘Adrian Slack’, S. ‘Alucard’ x leucophylla anthocyanin free,
S. “Goliath” x ‘Adrian Slack’, S. oreophila – veined x ‘Adrian Slack, S. ‘Alucard’ x ‘Leah Wikerson’


It’s that time of year again – today I was out in the grow area harvesting some pods. I left some of the labels on them so you can see how I keep track of the crosses as I do them. I learned the hard way to cover the tag in tape as snails will eat the cardboard and you loose the ID all together.  That was one mistake I learned the hard way last year. I did all these crosses only to have the identity taken by snails.   DOH!

Anyway, I know the pods may not look like much now but I am hopeful for some of these crosses.  Over here it’s been on the cool side of things so many plants and pods seem a little behind.   More pods are forthcoming which means more seeds soon! I am really looking forward to some of the ones I did this year … now just gotta figure out where I can put them all… 😉

Ares, unfolding…

Sarracenia "Ares" unfolding[Sarracenia “Ares”]

I’m standing somewhat at the threshold of my own “hybridization journey” since I’ve only recently started breeding a couple of years ago.  A lot of ideas have already taken root and put up those “seedling” pitchers.  Some plants are a couple years old and are showing a lot of promise as young juveniles.  And yet, some ideas are still locked away in seed pods waiting to be harvested.  This journey has just begun.  As I watch my own path open up before me,  I savor and enjoy the moment as it all unfolds before me.

Now, watching things unfold before you is pretty awesome.  Here’s Sarracenia “Ares” opening a brand spankin’ new pitcher!


Sarracenia “Ares” is a plant that was created by a very good friend who has motivated me much in this Sarracenia creation madness/obsession/addiction – Jerry Addington. (Jerry – Thank you!) Countless hybridization ideas have been bounced off each other, and hopefully soon you’ll be able to see some of those things take life! Be sure to check out Jerry’s website: http://courtingfrogs.com/

My First Pitcher Plant

I’ve always been fascinated with carnivores. Ever since I was a child, I was involved in gardening with my grandparents. When I learned that carnivorous plant existed, I was determined to obtain and grow them.  I first learned of carnivores when I saw them on TV, watching Nature on PBS. I also remember seeing a segment on carnivorous plants on the kids science show Mr. Wizards World back when it used to be aired on Nickelodeon.

Back then I only had access to the pale and wilted moldy venus fly traps at the local hardware store. The plants were located on the bottom shelf of course. In the dark. Behind the paints.  Directions to care for these things instructed me to “feed hamburger”, allow only “4-6 hours of sunlight a day”, “plant in rich loamy soil” that “included leaf mold” and “keep under 60F.”  Horrid I tell you. Pretty much, for us carnivore-heads, we’ve all been there.

When I first saw the pitcher plant on TV, I was just going nuts.  I HAD TO HAVE ONE. JUST ONE. I must of been about  6 or 7 years old at the time. I didn’t have access to any pitcher plants so I made my own.  How you ask? Forced evolution. Kinda.

My grandfather had onions growing in the garden. The large kinds that were as tall if not taller than me at the time. I noticed their tubular leaf structure and in my childhood wisdom and creativity figured out that Sarracenia must of evolved from these plants.

Now the photos I took today were of some green onions I have growing in the yard, so these aren’t as large and magnificent as the pitcher plants I created before… but for illustrative purposes, it will do.

[Onions. Where “Sarracenia must of evolved from.”]

So what did I do? I selected large onions leaves to create the pitcher. I took my scissors and cut the tube at the desired length and angle. Viola! There’s my pitcher!  To help it evolve faster, I used a spray bottle to fill it with water.  Ok. Now how about digestive fluid?

[Pitcher plant in creation.]

Uh… so again, my childhood creativity kicked in and I spat into the pitcher. Yeah. That’s right. I spat. I spitted. Yumm-O! My idea was that the saliva would help digest the insects that it would catch. That onion smelled enough anyway, and I figured bugs would be drawn to the scent. I helped to feed the plant by finding bugs and placing it into the watery-spit filled abyss… Oh those were good times indeed.  My addiction in its early stages yielding some really creative results…