Tag Archives: Cephalotus

A Visit to California Carnivores

Last weekend, Dahlia and I had a little weekend excursion in Sonoma County. It was a much needed time to relax after all the moving that we recently had to do. We’re settling into our new place nicely – but man… moving always sucks! (Thanks again to everyone who helped out!)

So anyway – what would a mini-vacay be without carnivores?! For me, vacations are never complete without carnivorous plant goodness. Since we were in the ‘hood of California Carnivores we decided to stop by to immerse ourselves in the carnivory. If you haven’t been there, I highly recommend stopping by. It’s always a pleasure to visit this magnificent and magical place. Thank you, Cal Carn for what you do. Continue to embolden and equip us to be better growers!

Click here for the full screen slideshow!

A few highlight photos are below the slideshow.


A Visit to California Carnivores

Cephalotus Cuttings Update

Back on 16 March 2012, I divided up my Cephalotus plants into several pots. I am pleased to report that they are all looking happy and are sending out new non carnivorous leaves. A few even sent up little flower stalks, but for now I’ve cut those flower stalks back in an effort to direct the energy to producing new foliage. Sweet!

Cephalotus follicularis cuttings
Cephalotus follicularis – looking happy!

Cephalotus follicularis cuttingsCephalotus follicularis – looking happy!

Cephalotus, Uprooted

I’m still going deep into the transplanting and dividing project…  Man, it’s seemingly endless but I’m just taking it one plant at a time, and enjoying it!

Anyway, I snapped this quick photo of Cephalotus follicularis – a pitcher plant from Australia!  Photo taken right before I divided it up and put off into little pots.

Isn’t it adorable? 

Cephalotus, uprootedCephalotus follicularis, uprooted