Tag Archives: carnivores

Collection Surfing: Day 2 of 3

Collection surfing – Day 2, the journey continues! [See prior day, Day 1 – Phil Faulisi’s mindmelting garden.] For day 2 we would continue with our carnivorous plant campaign at California Carnivores where Chi’en C. Lee was presenting on his travels throughout South East Asia. Goodness. To be surrounded by carnivorous plants AND listen to Chi’en present in person on the flora and fauna of South East Asia was most excellent! His talk was fascinating and it was very inspirational. Makes me want to get out there and travel/photograph a bit more!  Additionally there were so many fellow carniphiles that showed up at CalCarn; it was absolutely brilliant meeting and connecting with all of you wonderful people that were there!

After CalCarn – Kinjie, Calen and I trekked over to Mike Wang’s place. Yeah! Over at Mike’s place — this was pretty much our reaction throughout the entire time we were there. (Click that link.) We got to Mike’s place as the day was ending but that definitely did not stop these plant nerds from trippin’ out over plants ’till 11pm. No light in the garden? No problem. We bust out the flashlights and continued to get our botanical geekery on. Nightshift status. (Good times, bros… good times.)


California Carnivores  – View in full screen

Mike Wang’s Crops – View in full screen


Carnivorous Plant Collection Surfing - 11 Apr 2015Obligitory bridge shot. Crossed en route to CalCarn.

Carnivorous Plant Collection Surfing - 11 Apr 2015We up in this.

Carnivorous Plant Collection Surfing - 11 Apr 2015

Carnivorous Plant Collection Surfing - 11 Apr 2015

Carnivorous Plant Collection Surfing - 11 Apr 2015Calen and Damon

Carnivorous Plant Collection Surfing - 11 Apr 2015

Carnivorous Plant Collection Surfing - 11 Apr 2015

Carnivorous Plant Collection Surfing - 11 Apr 2015

Carnivorous Plant Collection Surfing - 11 Apr 2015

Carnivorous Plant Collection Surfing - 11 Apr 2015Left to Right: Kinjie, Peter, Calen, some weird guy, and Damon
(Thanks for taking the photo, David!)

Carnivorous Plant Collection Surfing - 11 Apr 2015Aww yeah! Selfie with Peter D’amato!

Carnivorous Plant Collection Surfing - 11 Apr 2015(A blurry) selfie with Chi’en, Kinjie and Calen. I was probably on a bit of a botanical high or something at the time of this photo.

Carnivorous Plant Collection Surfing - 11 Apr 2015Left to Right: Calen, Mike, Kate, Kinjie and I


Carnivorous Plant Collection Surfing - 11 Apr 2015Crops of Wang.

Carnivorous Plant Collection Surfing - 11 Apr 2015I think Calen’s phone was dead in this photo and that he was just pretending to take a photo for this shot. (Heh heh! Just messin’ with you Calen. But you gotta make sure your phone is charged next time, bro. 🙂 )

Carnivorous Plant Collection Surfing - 11 Apr 2015

Carnivorous Plant Collection Surfing - 11 Apr 2015

Carnivorous Plant Collection Surfing - 11 Apr 2015Check out the throat spotch on this baby!

Carnivorous Plant Collection Surfing - 11 Apr 2015

Carnivorous Plant Collection Surfing - 11 Apr 2015

Carnivorous Plant Collection Surfing - 11 Apr 2015Man, these Flava cupreas — so choclate-y!

Carnivorous Plant Collection Surfing - 11 Apr 2015The Wangster admires a beautiful pink excellens.

Carnivorous Plant Collection Surfing - 11 Apr 2015

Carnivorous Plant Collection Surfing - 11 Apr 2015Carnivorous plant geeks in effect.

Carnivorous Plant Collection Surfing - 11 Apr 2015Sarracenia “Elaine Wang”

Carnivorous Plant Collection Surfing - 11 Apr 2015Nightshift.

Carnivorous Plant Collection Surfing - 11 Apr 2015Light ’em up! (Playing around with the wireless flash…)

Carnivorous Plant Collection Surfing - 11 Apr 2015Scene without the camera flash…

Carnivorous Plant Collection Surfing - 11 Apr 2015… and scene WITH flash.

Carnivorous Plant Collection Surfing - 11 Apr 2015Crops by night.

Carnivorous Plant Collection Surfing - 11 Apr 2015

Carnivorous Plant Collection Surfing - 11 Apr 2015

Carnivorous Plant Collection Surfing - 11 Apr 2015

Donnie’s Carnivore Utopia

So, last month, I had the honor and privilege to visit Donnie’s carnivore heaven.   I was actually in town for a wedding that I was photographing for two rad and awesome friends. (Maria and Cameron – congrats again!!!)

Anyway, since I was in town, the day after the wedding I had a chance to swing by and visit another fellow friend and grower,  Don Elkins.  His place is freakin’ phenomenal.   I was at a serious loss for words and my head was spinning from all the Sarracenia and carnivore insanity that abounded.  Everywhere I turned there was something amazing going on.  Talk about carnivore overload!  It was truly mind blowing and nothing short of spectacular.  I won’t bore you with my attempt to explain – cuz’ I really can’t!  See for yourself… (to view full screen, press the icon lower right that expands the slideshow…)


Donnie: Thank you so very much once again for your hospitality and for your kindness.  I am grateful.  It was fun, and I really appreciate you taking the time to inspire this Sarracenia addict. 🙂