Tag Archives: Bug Bat

Sarracenia rubra ssp. gulfensis “Black” x “Bug Bat”

This was one of those crosses I did back in 2009 where I was like, “Well, both plants are flowering so I guess I might as well cross ’em.” I didn’t really know what to expect but pollinated them anyway on a whim. The parent plants are photographed above to help visualise the gene mash up. Here’s a post in 2010 showing a “baby picture” of one of the plants. As noted in that previous post – there has been some question regarding the pod parent (S. rubra ssp. gulfensis “black”). There is some speculation that it is not a pure S. rubra ssp. gulfensis and could have some S. alata mixed into it. However, from what I am told – this particular form of S. rubra hails from the Yellow River area of Florida, and it is doubtful that S. alatas grow that far east. Whatever it is, it’s still pretty cool and I’m loving the dark purple/black shades.

Sarracenia rubra ssp. gulfensis "black" x "Bug Bat"Sarracenia rubra ssp. gulfensis “Black” x “Bug Bat”

This particular seedling above donned a purplish/black color, thanks to it’s mother’s genes. The father (or pollen parent) S. “Bug Bat” has a clear influence on the shape of the pitcher.

Sarracenia rubra ssp. gulfensis "black" x "Bug Bat"
Sarracenia rubra ssp. gulfensis “Black” x “Bug Bat”

Another angle of one of the pitchers from the first photos. I enjoy the color of this clone. Really looking forward to what it will do next year.

Sarracenia rubra ssp. gulfensis "black" x "Bug Bat"Sarracenia rubra ssp. gulfensis “Black” x “Bug Bat”

Here’s another clone – not as dark. Not as purple. At least not yet. It also exhibits some of the faint areoles – another influence from S. “Bug Bat”. It currently has this slight orange tint on the hood. Ideally, I’d like that orange to stay as I don’t see it too often in the plants (and I am looking for orange plants to work with for SF Giants inspired plants) – but we’ll see what happens as it matures a bit more. It’s always fun watching the changes as these babies grow.

Sarracenia Bug Bat x Diane Whittaker


Here’s an update on one of the seedlings of a cross I did a while back of Sarracenia “Bug Bat”  and  Sarracenia “Diane Whittaker”.

Sarracenia "Bug Bat" x "Diane Whittaker"
[Sarracenia “Bug Bat” x “Diane Whittaker”]

This particular seedling has a long overarching hood that’s pretty nice. There is a lot of diversity with this cross (along with any other hybrid…)  Here’s a post on this cross from September of 2010.  Also, check out some of the diversity of this cross over at James Soe Nyun’s blog:  Lost in the Landscape.

Hope you’re having a great weekend so far!

Happy Thanksgiving!

Wishing all of you out there a very Happy Thanksgiving!

Let us take a moment and just have an attitude of gratitude for all the many blessings in our lives.  So much to be thankful for… I’m thankful for my family, for my friends, and also you fellow gardeners out there that continue to inspire us all.

To show my gratitude, I am having a Thanksgiving GIVE AWAY! YES!!

Win free seedlings! I will be thinning out my seedling crosses soon and will give away 3 seedlings of my 2008 cross: Sarracenia “Bug Bat” x “Diane Whittaker”.  The 3 seedlings will be randomly selected by me. A sample photo of the seedlings I am selecting from below…

You Can Win This! :)[Sarracenia “Bug Bat” x “Diane Whittaker”, 2008 Cross]


1.) Have an interest in these rad and freekin’ awesome plants. That’s probably why you’re here, right?

2.) Have mad love for the plants you’ll get. Be sure to provide the proper conditions for these guys … care for the plants you’ll get.   If you don’t know how to care for em, ask me!

3.) Live in the United States. If you enter and you are not in the US… sorry. I’m selectin’ another winner. (Sorry to all my international friends, but I can only ship within the US.)

4.) Only one entry per person.

5.) Get your entries in on or before 11:59 PM Pacific Standard Time on December 3rd. I’ll randomly select a winner using this randomizer website on December 4th, and I’ll contact the winner directly. I know that it’s cold and if it’s too cold in your area to ship live plants, we’ll work out the logistics later on (shipping on a particular date, etc, etc…).  I will ship using priority mail.


Since I’ll be separating these seedlings out, I will be only shipping bare root.  Also to make it clear, I will only be selecting one winner using the randomizer website  mentioned above.  The winner will be the first person the randomizer list chooses.  If you don’t win this time around, don’t worry … there will be other giveaways here so don’t not fret! You’ll have plenty of chances to win other things! 😉  Sharin’ the love!

How to enter:

Just  comment below — tell us what you are thankful for!  Be sure to include your email in the email field below so that I can contact you. If I can’t contact you… well.. then I’ll randomly select someone else 😉

Ready…. Set… GO!
Happy Thanksgiving!