Tag Archives: Blades

Rising Blades

The form of new pitchers rising are blade-like in appearance. These swords and spears cut and pierce their way into spring; they slice past the wreck of last year’s foliage. Soon they will inflate and morph into the cylindrical savage beauty that I am so enamored by.

Sarracenia oreophilaSarracenia oreophila

Sarracenia 'Ladies in Waiting' x 'Leah Wilkerson'
Sarracenia (‘Ladies in Waiting’ x ‘Judith Hindle’) x ‘Leah Wilkerson’

Sarracenia 'Schnell's Ghost' x 'Adrian Slack'
Sarracenia ‘Schnell’s Ghost’ x ‘Adrian Slack’

Sarracenia 'Leah Wilkerson' x 'Adrian Slack'
Sarracenia ‘Leah Wilkerson’ x ‘Adrian Slack’