Tag Archives: Binata

Hello 2014

Hope everyone’s been having a good 2014 so far! Two weeks in there hasn’t been much plant action on this end – other than the massive cleaning and re-organizing efforts that are currently underway in The Asylum. Here’s a few snapshots of how my 2014 is going so far.

The Asylum. The left half of the house has been trimmed. I’ve taken The Dome down on the right and I’m currently finishing up construction of 3 more water tables.

Trimmed Tables
Looking fresh and clean!

Dead Pitchers
The wreckage of dead foliage. I still have a lot of work ahead!

Sarracenia formosa AF
Burnt out heads of anthocyanin-free formosa.

Darlingtonia californica - Coos Co., OR
Special thanks to Karen Oudean for sending over some brilliant specimens of Darlingtonia californica – Coos Co., OR

Drosera binata var. dichitoma
Drosera binata var. dichitoma awake and unfurling new traps.

Drosera regia
Some Drosera regia cleaned and potted up.

Sarracenia bud!
What is this madness?! Is that… a BUD?!

Sarracenia "Legacy"
Sarracenia “Legacy” – new pitcher forming.


Saturday Stickiness!

Some Saturday stickiness for a little change of pace – just a few sundew shots for your weekend!

Drosera binata
Drosera binata – various forms.
I love the way they light up at the end of the day!

Drosera filiformis var. tracyii
Drosera filiformis var. tracyii

And now for some pygmy ones from Dom Diaz! (Thanks Dom!)

Drosera leucoblasta
Drosera leucoblasta

Drosera "Dorks Pink"
Drosera “Dorks Pink”

Drosera roseana
Drosera roseana

Drosera eneaba - green
Drosera eneaba – green

A Few September Shots

Howdy! Just a few shots from around the greenhouse… enjoy!

Nepenthes jamban
Nepenthes jamban

Pinguicula medusina
Pinguicula medusina

Dionaea muscipula
Dionaea muscipula

Drosera binata var. mutifida
Drosera binata var. multifida

Sarracenia (leucophylla x oreophila) x 'Adrian Slack'
Sarracenia (leucophylla x oreophila) x ‘Adrian Slack’ – select clone

Sarracenia ((rubra x oreophila) x flava v. rugelii) x 'Adrian Slack'
Sarracenia ((rubra x oreophila) x flava var. rugelii) x ‘Adrian Slack’

Sarracenia 'Leah Wilkerson' x 'Adrian Slack'
Sarracenia ‘Leah Wilkerson’ x ‘Adrian Slack’

Sarracenia "Pink Eye"Sarracenia “Pink Eye”

A Visit to Flora Grubb Gardens + The Sarracenia Sink

You may find this hard to believe – but this past weekend was my first time visiting Flora Grubb Gardens! (Better late than never, right?) Man, was I missing out! So glad that I finally got to see this impressive and phenomenal oasis of botanical goodness. Dahlia and I were truly inspired by the flora-radness. Many fellow gardeners – both carnie-heads and non-carnie-heads have told me about Jared Crawford’s amazing artistry with the Sarracenia sink display (photos below slideshow), and I figured it was time to finally go and check it out – along with the rest of Flora Grubb’s sheer magnificence! There’s so much to talk about that I could go on for days and days about it, but I’ll let the photos speak for themselves. Enjoy!

Click here for the full screen version of the slideshow!

A few photos of Jared’s handiwork with the sink are below!
I am looking forward to many more visits. 🙂 Thanks again FGG for the botanical inspiration!

Flora Grubb Gardens
Sarracenia Sink by Jarred Crawford. Beautiful Display with S. leucophylla ‘Tarnok’, S. ‘Judith Hindle’, S. purpurea, Drosera binata ssp, Dionaea muscipula and other carnivores!

Flora Grubb GardensSarracenia Sink by Jarred Crawford.

Flora Grubb Gardens
Sarracenia Sink by Jarred Crawford. To the right is another display container using S. ‘Judith Hindle’ and what appears to be S. ‘Cobras Nest’.

Flora Grubb Gardens
Sarracenia cuteness in effect.

Flora Grubb GardensSarracenia cuteness in effect.