Tag Archives: BACPS

BACPS Nepenthes Haul

A couple of weeks ago we had our annual BACPS (Bay Area Carnivorous Plant Society) show and sale. It’s always great connecting with fellow growers during the BACPS meetings… and winding up with a few more plants in the process too! Here are a couple of Nepenthes that found their way into the plant haul from the show and sale.

Nepenthes densiflora x glanduliferaNepenthes densiflora x glandulifera – from Predatory Plants (Thanks Josh!)


Nepenthes lowii x campanulata
Nepenthes lowii x campanulata – from Carniveo (Thanks Drew and Jesse!)

BACPS Show and Sale – 15 Jun 2013

This last weekend I had a chance to attend the 2013 BACPS (Bay Area Carnivorous Plant Society) Show and Sale. Saw lots of amazing plants as well as fellow enthusiasts who have become great friends throughout the years. It was also great to connect with a few new people that I’ve been in touch with online and now finally had a chance to meet in person. I got the impression that they thought I was stranger in the flesh. Yeah, I probably am.

Here’s a few photos from the day! (You can also view on Flickr.)

As an added bonus, here’s some video from the day too! I figured this was a great opportunity to *finally* start a Youtube channel and give this video blogging thing a shot. It’s kinda rough, but it’s a start. Dahlia came along and gave me some help and encouragement to shoot around a little bit. She started her channel as well! If you want to check out some mixed media art, visit her channel: Makita Studio! It’s something a bit out of my comfort zone as I’d rather be behind a camera. Not in front of one. Anyway, We’ll see how this Youtube thing goes. Mosey on over and check out my Pitcher Plant Project channel! Leave comments below on what you’d like to see and I just *may* upload a few more vids… 🙂

Since Jeremiah was in town and wanted to check out local collections, I was glad to have him, Fernando Rivadavia, and D’Aryt Jov Fränk over at my spot the following day. I was just one of his many stops here in the SF Bay Area. Jeremiah is a legendary grower and runs the Colorado Carnivorous Plant Society. He also partners with Leilani Nepenthes in an effort to make some beautiful and high quality plants available.

Jeremiah and DJ: An honor and a pleasure to have been able to meet you! Thank you for coming by and gracing the greenhouse with your presence.
Fernando: Keep weeding. 🙂

An amazing weekend full of impressive plants and great company. I’m glad to be part of such a great community of incredible and talented individuals. I certainly wouldn’t be able to make it this far without them. Happy growing everyone!