Tag Archives: awesome

Sarracenia flava – Anthocyanin Free

Sarracenia flava - Anthocyanin FreeSarracenia flava, anthocyanin free clone

A while back a friend of mine gave me a small piece of a Sarracenia flava that I’ve been looking for; an anthocyanin free clone of Sarracenia flava. Now, for those of you who know me, you know that I am heavily into anthocyanin free plants. Basically, these are plants that are lacking in anthocyanin – the pigment that gives these plants all these crazy colors! Yes, green is beautiful. I know that some find it rather bland, or argue that they are weaker plants – but I am totally enamored by the contrast that they give when placed side by side with rest of the collection. These plants have a haunting glow and have grown strongly for me. (Note: This is not a flava var. maxima. S. flava var. maxima has some red pigmentation still, around the base of the pitchers and on new growth.) I’m looking forward to using this plant in future crosses. One goal, of course, is to create different clones of anthocyanin free S. flava.

Happy Birthday, Dahlia!

Happy Birthday, Dahlia!

Just wanted to take this opportunity to wish my awesome, rad, and wonderful wifey Dahlia a very very HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Dahlia – I really thank you for your encouragement, patience, vision, patience, and positive outlook (and more patience) with everything – especially with all of these last few recent challenges and relocations we’ve had to go through. There is no way I, our family, or the plants could of made it this far without you. You are the cornerstone and the pillar of strength that has held all of us together. Thank you for everything that you do, and for being the beautiful person that you are. I love you so much. And the plants love you so much too! 🙂

For those of you who don’t know – this very blog would NOT of been possible or even exist for that matter without her. It was her encouragement that pushed me to really start photographing and writing bout the plants. (I suspect that perhaps she was just tired of hearing so much freaking NERDY PLANT TALK from me and got me doing this. Maybe it was her diversion to get me to talk about the plants to a wider audience? Haha! 🙂 ) Anyway – I really thought she was nuts because at the time, I had no idea that good garden/plant blogs existed. I never blogged. I thought blogging was uber nerdy and dorky. But then again, I am a uber plant nerd-dork anyway. I did a quick Google search for “SF Bay Area garden blog” and ran across Far Out Flora. Meg and Matti’s awesome blog really inspired me and I wanted to be like them when I grew up! And so, that’s how it all began. From there I started following many other plant/garden blogs/sites and getting connected with fellow people who share my love of plants. I am so thankful…

Dahlia, thanks again for everything. I’m freakin’ honored to have you as such an amazing part of my life. (And my garden’s life too!)
Happy Birthday!


One of the things that I enjoy about keeping this blog is being able to go back, look at plants and how they progress. It’s kind of fun going through the archives and taking that walk down memory lane.

Back at the beginning of June, I wrote about the greenhouse move that I had to undergo because of the horrid conditions that the plants were growing in. I’m currently in a temporary holding location that offers slightly brighter light and the difference it is making is remarkable.

Below are photos of Sarracenia ‘Black Widow’ x flava v. rubricorpora that I grew from seed from a cross that Dr. Travis H. Wyman did back in 2008.  I photographed the same pitcher over the course of several weeks to document the color change.

In the first photo below left – this is what the plant looked like in dim conditions on 27 May 2012. After a couple weeks in the brighter location, the mouth started to color up. (Photo below right, 17 Jun 2012.)  The last photo below is a photo that I took yesterday and my hypothesis was correct – the plant is starting to color up. Keep in mind that this isn’t even direct sunlight and I can only imagine what it will be like next year when it gets started at the big location with direct light. Hoping for a deeply colored crimson plant. What a difference lighting makes!

Sarracenia 'Black Widow' x flava var. rubricorpora - 27 May 2012  Sarracenia 'Black Widow' x flava var. rubricorpora - 17 June 2012
27 May 2012                                     17 Jun 2012
Sarracenia ‘Black Widow’ x flava v. rubricorpora

Sarracenia 'Black Widow' x flava v. rubricorpora-16 Jul 2012 – Sarracenia ‘Black Widow’ x flava v. rubricorpora

Kickin’ it with Wang and Martinez

Last weekend, I had the honor and privilege of kickin’ it with fellow carnivore-heads Mike Wang and Drew Martinez. Both are truly amazing individuals and growers par excellence. I’m very thankful to know Mike and am quite privileged to have met Drew on this monumental day. We met up at Mike’s and spent the day geeking out over plants there for a while. We then headed over to Drew’s place for more botanical nerdiness! I really can’t capture what I’ve seen and witnessed in words – so I’ll let the photos do the talking. Immerse yourself by checking out the full screen slideshow! Mike and Drew – thanks again for your kindness and hospitality! Much props and respect to both of you. Continue to motivate us all to be great growers like yourselves! WORD, HOMIES.

Click here for the full screen slideshow!

(Note, you may use your arrow keys to scroll through photos in the slideshow.)

Below are a few highlights from our delicious carnivorous soiree.
Bon appetit!


From The Garden of Wang…

Kickin' it with Wang and Martinez

Kickin' it with Wang and Martinez

Kickin' it with Wang and Martinez

Kickin' it with Wang and Martinez
Mike with the ultimate frisbee while Drew is paparazzi-ing.

Kickin' it with Wang and Martinez

Kickin' it with Wang and Martinez

Kickin' it with Wang and Martinez

Kickin' it with Wang and Martinez

Kickin' it with Wang and Martinez

Kickin' it with Wang and Martinez

Kickin' it with Wang and Martinez
Kickin' it with Wang and Martinez

Kickin' it with Wang and Martinez
Sarracenia homies in effect.


From The Garden of Martinez…

Kickin' it with Wang and Martinez

Kickin' it with Wang and Martinez

Kickin' it with Wang and Martinez

Kickin' it with Wang and Martinez

Kickin' it with Wang and Martinez

Kickin' it with Wang and Martinez

Kickin' it with Wang and Martinez

Kickin' it with Wang and Martinez

Kickin' it with Wang and Martinez

Kickin' it with Wang and Martinez

Kickin' it with Wang and Martinez

Kickin' it with Wang and Martinez

Kickin' it with Wang and Martinez

Kickin' it with Wang and Martinez

Kickin' it with Wang and Martinez

Kickin' it with Wang and Martinez

Kickin' it with Wang and Martinez

Kickin' it with Wang and Martinez

Kickin' it with Wang and Martinez

Kickin' it with Wang and Martinez

Kickin' it with Wang and Martinez

Kickin' it with Wang and Martinez

Kickin' it with Wang and Martinez

Kickin' it with Wang and Martinez

Kickin' it with Wang and Martinez

Kickin' it with Wang and Martinez

Kickin' it with Wang and Martinez

Kickin' it with Wang and Martinez

Kickin' it with Wang and Martinez

Kickin' it with Wang and Martinez

Kickin' it with Wang and Martinez

Kickin' it with Wang and Martinez

Kickin' it with Wang and Martinez

Kickin' it with Wang and Martinez

Kickin' it with Wang and Martinez

Kickin' it with Wang and Martinez

Kickin' it with Wang and Martinez

Kickin' it with Wang and Martinez

New Additions to the Family

I came home today to a very awesome surprise — a huge and special thank you to my friend Wes Buckner for sending a few nice plants over to me!  I got home late this evening — it was really was a great way to end a wonderful day for me.  It also means a start to a great weekend — lots of potting ahead!

Thank you Wes, I really appreciate it!

The box of Sarrs and it’s aura of awesomeness.  

Check out the way Wes expertly cushioned the plants!

Sarracenia rhizomes packed nice and snug.

Rhizomes arrived in perfect shape.  Oh man, I’m going to have a fun time potting them up this weekend!  It’s going to be fun seeing these new additions grow up with the rest of the Sarracenia family!

Happy Father’s Day

I would like to wish a very Happy Father’s Day to all the fathers and father figures out there.  Thank you for doing what you do, and for being that example.

I am thankful for my Dad and for all his hard work and sacrifice for our family.  Thanks, Dad!

My garden inspiration, however, comes from my Lolo (which is Grandfather in Filipino).  It was his influence and inspiration at such an early age that has led to my fascination and addiction of all things relating to the Kingdom Plantae.

Ever since I was a kid, I remember working out in the yard with him. My earliest memories were always involving being in the garden by his side.

[Lolo and I working in the garden, circa 1985]

Yeah, that’s me in the photo above. Man, was I stylin’! Ha!

My garden is that concrete and living repository where events of my life are recorded.  Each plant carries a story, and is linked to an event or memory.  Many plants I have were passed down to me from friends or family, and it’s always a way for me to reconnect with loved ones and with generations past.

And, even to this very day – Lolo and I still hang out in the garden. Only now, it’s covered in more Sarracenia than ever.

[Lolo and I, 2011]

[Lolo, hangin’ out with the Sarracenia]

What’s crazy amazing is that my two sons love to be in the garden with us too.  Now, keep in mind, that is their Great-Lolo that they hang out with!  Both of my sons love to see things grow. They also love to see the plants catch and eat bugs too!   I am so thankful to be able to witness this span of generations. I cherish every single moment of it.

[My two crazy — and awesome sons!]

… Now it’s time to go plant something with the kids… 😉

Happy Fathers Day!

Sarracenias of Wang

[Slideshow – Sarracenias of Wang. For a larger view, try going full screen by pressing the expand icon. It’s the bottom right icon in the slideshow. Enjoy!]

Last week I had the honor of visiting my home-boyee, Mike Wang. He’s a rad plant genius and a freekin’ fenom when it comes to Sarracenia.    The blue pools of carnivore wonder are nothing short of captivating. I am thankful I got to witness some of his blingin’ Sarrs! It’s always a spectacular sight! His plants never cease to amaze and impress me.  Oh, and quite frankly, he’s just one awesome individual.

Mike: Bro, thanks! Always fun. Thank you so much for your kindness and hospitality bro! I appreciate it!  Ahem, … “cuz we be ghetto like dat!”   HAH! WORD!


Also, a very special thanks to Derek who authors http://www.plantgasm.com.  He showed me how to do slideshows!  This post would not be if it were not for him. Hah hah! Thanks so much Derek!