Tag Archives: after

Before and After

Ah, sweet progress! I managed a chance to finally start trimming some dead pitchers off. I didn’t have my Katana blade with me this day, but will bring it next time. I managed to clean up the Sarracenia alata and flava table.  Here’s a shot of the table before and after – with pitchers trimmed and weeds picked out. I left some of the foliage and phyllodia on as those will serve as the “solar panels.” (For photosynthesis. ) There’s still a lot of work to do, yet so much to look forward to. I know we’re in the dead of winter, but man – growing season is right around the corner! You ready?!

Before and After
Pre trim. Sarracenia alata and flava table. 

Trim DownPost trim. Sarracenia alata and flava table.