Tag Archives: AF

Hybrid Update: S. courtii x "Green Monster", Anthocyanin free clone

Hope everyone is having a great weekend so far!  Here’s an update of a hybrid that I created in 2009.  Looking forward to what the mature adult plants will be like — and not only because I think both of the parent plants are pretty FRESH, but they are also anothcyanin free, and  I flippin’ love love LOVE anthocyanin free plants.  Again, when a plant is anthocyanin free (or “AF” for shorthand) there is no pigment/coloration in it.   I guess you can say it’s equivalent to albino-ness.

[Meet the parents]

[Left: S. courtii, AF | Right: S. “Green Monster”. (S. excellens, AF)]

[S. courtii x “Green Monster”, September 28, 2010]

Sarracenia courtii x "Green Monster"[S. courtii x “Green Monster”, November 13, 2010]

And the two of the strongest seedlings were separated and are lookin’ pretty good thus far.

Sarracenia courtii x "Green Monster", Anthocyain Free[S. courtii x “Green Monster”, November 13, 2010]

Sarracenia courtii x "Green Monster", Anthocyain Free[S. courtii x “Green Monster”, November 13, 2010]