Tag Archives: AF

Sarracenia purpurea heterophylla x “Green Monster”

A couple young siblings from this cross I did 2 years ago. You can see one of the seedlings from this cross crack open start to root in the very last photo from this epic-super-neurotic-OCD-how-to-guide-on-starting-Sarracenia-seeds-post.  Interesting to note some of the differences in these babies! One has a high hood with lots of frills, the other is a little more squat and compact with a shorter hood.


Sarracenia purpurea heterophylla x "Green Monster"
Sarracenia purpurea heterophylla x “Green Monster”
Upright open hood

Sarracenia purpurea heterophylla x "Green Monster"
Sarracenia purpurea heterophylla x “Green Monster”
Upright open hood

Sarracenia purpurea heterophylla x "Green Monster"
Sarracenia purpurea heterophylla x “Green Monster”
Shorter more compact hood

Sarracenia purpurea heterophylla x "Green Monster"
Sarracenia purpurea heterophylla x “Green Monster”
Shorter more compact hood

Sarracenia flava var. rugelii x flava ‘Suspicion’

The quest for more anthocyanin free goodness continues! Here’s one interesting cross that I will be using in future breeding efforts. The parents are S. flava var. rugelii x flava ‘Suspicion’. It’s anthocyanin free recessive (having that “hidden” AF gene) and when it blooms, I am looking to produce more AF plants by selfing it and/or crossing it with other AF or AF recessive plants. I like the slight pin stripe veins, the muddy splotch in the throat, and lip color that some of these plants have. Sweet!

Sarracenia flava var. rugelii x 'Suspicion'
Sarracenia flava var. rugelii x flava ‘Suspicion’

Sarracenia flava var. rugelii x flava 'Suspicion'
Sarracenia flava var. rugelii x flava ‘Suspicion’

Green Dragons and Princes

Last week, the greenhouse was invaded with dragons and princes. Sarracenia-ly speaking, of course! A pair of Sarracenia “Green Dragon” and Sarracenia “Green Prince” have made their homes here. So freaking excited. Those of you who know me know that I LOVE anthocyanin free plants! A huge THANK YOU to Jason Austin of Rarefind Nursery! The plants arrived in great condition! They were a little muddied up, but that’s nothing to worry about at all. I repotted them and hope they’re happy!

Sarracenia “Green Dragon” and Sarracenia “Green Prince” are crosses involving S. “Green Monster” as the pod parent. S. “Green Monster” is fascinating and amazing anthocyanin free version of S. excellens (a minor/leucophylla hybrid) – a cross created by Bill Scholl. S. “Green Dragon” is S. “Green Monster” x purpurea f. heterophylla, and S. “Green Prince” is S. “Green Monster” x leucophylla AF. Both of these crosses were done by Bill Smith in May of 2009, and the seed was sown in December 2009. (Dude, awesome stuff, Bill!)

I’ve done S. purpurea f. heterophylla x “Green Monster” last year (the reciprocal cross of S. “Green Dragon”, using S. purpurea f. heterophylla as the pod parent and S. “Green Monster” as the pollen parent) so it will be interesting to compare them. I would imagine that similar looking plants will arise. My S. leucophylla AF on the other hand hasn’t been dependable in breeding in the past 3 years. That’s why you haven’t seen me doing many crosses with them. The pollen seems to be firing blanks, or something. I think this year a few pods did take, but seed count was very low in the ones I’ve harvested.

Anyway, below are a few photos of some of the new AF plants that have made their home with me. Jason and Rarefind – THANK YOU so much for these awesome plants! Looking forward to seeing them grow!

Sarracenia "Green Prince" and "Green Dragon" arrive
The princes and dragons arrive.

Sarracenia "Green Prince" Sarracenia "Green Prince"
Sarracenia “Green Prince”

Sarracenia "Green Dragon" Sarracenia "Green Dragon"
Sarracenia “Green Dragon”

Sarracenia "Green Prince" and "Green Dragon"The princes and dragons living together in harmony.

Seedling Update

Just a quick update on some of this generation’s seedlings.
Photos from 19 June 2012. Enjoy!


Sarracenia "Green Monster" x purpurea rosea "Big Mama"
Sarracenia “Green Monster” x “Big Mama”

Note: “Big Mama” is a select big ol’ form of S. purpurea ssp. venosa v. burkii — or S. rosea depending which naming convention you’re comfortable with. Personally, I like S. rosea because it’s less taxing on my  fingers to type out. Seriously. Imagine typing out “S. purpurea ssp. venosa v. burkii” every time. Every. Single. Time. Blah. I’m guess I am getting lazy. Anyway – I’m hoping to use the recessive anthocyanin free gene in future crosses with this cross. I am hoping for big chunky S. swaniana flavored looking plants. Should be a fun plant to work with in the future!

Sarracenia ((purpurea ssp. purpurea x rubra ssp. jonesii) x (leucophylla  x rubra ssp. gulfensis)) x mitchellliana  - AF clone.Sarracenia ((purpurea ssp. purpurea x rubra ssp. jonesii) x
(leucophylla x rubra ssp. gulfensis)) AF x mitchelliana AF

Sarracenia mitchelliana AF x "Green Monster"
Sarracenia mitchelliana AF x “Green Monster”

Sarracenia mitchelliana AF x "Green Monster"
Sarracenia mitchelliana AF x “Green Monster”

Sarracenia mitchelliana AF x "Green Monster"
Sarracenia mitchelliana AF x “Green Monster”

Hybrid Update: S. courtii x “Green Monster”, AF Clone

Happy Friday everyone!  I was out relaxing a bit in the garden when I got home, and just wanted to share with y’all how this cross was doing.  Again, it was a cross I did back in 09, and now I’m starting to see the work start to pay off, 2 years later! Be sure to check this post out so you can see how far these babies have come along.

And again, just to show you, here are the two parents:

[Meet the parents]

[Left: S. courtii, AF | Right: S. “Green Monster”. (S. excellens, AF)]

What’s funny is that the the two “select” seedlings that I set aside back then, are about the same size (or now even smaller) than some of the other seedlings I have growing in that tub now.  Goes to show you, you never really know what you’ll get when breeding and growing from seed —  and what seedlings will spring up as late starters. Or I should say, late jumpers.

I’m really liking the seedlings with the clean polka dotish action on the pitchers. Finally seeing the fruition of my labor is exciting and keeps me going in this obsession.  I’m still fairly new at breeding – can’t wait to see some of the other stuff cookin’ grow up!

Sarracenia courtii AF x "Green Monster"[S. courtii AF x “Green Monster” –  August 12, 2011]

Sarracenia courtii AF clone


Sarracenia courtii - anthocyanin free[Sarracenia courtii, anthocyanin free clone]

Ah, how I love these AF plants! I think this plant is a fun and goofy one. Here’s S. courtii (AF clone) stretching and sprawling out on this lazy weekend…

AF Project

So, since I’m stuck on the whole AF thing (again, AF is short for anthocyanin free),  just wanted to share one of the crosses that is part of an AF hybridization project. So with this particular cross,  my goal is to create a large green anthocyanin free gigantor S. minor looking type plant.   This is only step one in the process.   Last year, fellow grower  Mike Wang, lent me a Sarracenia minor var. okefenokeensis that was going to flower.  I had some stored Sarracenia “Green Monster” pollen in the fridge that I used on it.  It gave me a few seeds this year and the below photo is a result of that cross.    Now comes the fun part. Yay for awesome geneticish type stuff! The plants below now have that recessive AF gene, and when crossed again with another AF plant, it should unlock some of that AF goodness!  I am also hoping some of the size from the Sarracenia minor var. okefenokeensis would carry over.  It’s going to be a couple of years, but still a something to look forward to!

Sarracenia minor var. okeefenokeensis, x "Green Monster"[S. minor var. okeefenokeensis x S. “Green Monster”,  November 20, 2010]