Tag Archives: 3gs

December Gray

Hello December.

Out here in the Bay Area, we’re currently in middle of a storm system and there’s plenty of rain going around at the moment.  The rain was (and still is) coming down pretty hard creating a heavy rhythmic symphony on the greenhouse roof.

I spent most of the day getting some work done in the Asylum. I’m only down to about half a table of sorting/cleaning Sarracenia. I am making a few occasional divisions here and there, but not so much at this time. I was also doing some cleaning of the Nepenthes, removing the dead pitchers and leaves. Oh, also trying my hand at a couple more cuttings from my own plants today. Did all this under the gray weighty watery skies.

I didn’t have my regular camera on me today, but had my cell phone which also does the job. Below are a few black and white photos from around the Asylum on this first very gray day of December.


Leaving for the greenhouse: the parking lot was an ocean of puddles. 

Grayhouses. Greenhouses.

The Asylum: A shelter from the storm

Drosera regia

Platycerium bifurcatum

New growth emerging from a recently divided Pyrrosia hastata

Tillandsia tectorum


Pinguicula ‘Tina’ 

Pinguicula ‘Tina’  – hungry!

Nepenthes rajah
– new pitcher about to open

Nepenthes diatas

Nepenthes eymae

Nepenthes sanguinea