Tag Archives: 2010

Sarracenia ‘Reptilian Rose’ x ‘Adrian Slack’ – Clone #1

This is a cross I did back in 2010 between S. ‘Reptilian Rose’ and S. ‘Adrian Slack’ – you can see how this plant (as well as it’s other siblings) looked like earlier in the year in this post. It’s still not of blooming maturity or size, but I’m really looking forward to watching this one mature. The spring pitchers so far seem to be more stocky in appearance, but these fall pitchers ain’t bad at all…

Sarracenia 'Reptilian Rose' x 'Adrian Slack'
Sarracenia ‘Reptilian Rose’ x ‘Adrian Slack’ – 2010 Clone #1

Sarracenia 'Reptilian Rose' x 'Adrian Slack'
Sarracenia ‘Reptilian Rose’ x ‘Adrian Slack’ – 2010 Clone #1

Sarracenia 'Reptilian Rose' x 'Adrian Slack'
Sarracenia ‘Reptilian Rose’ x ‘Adrian Slack’ – 2010 Clone #1

Sarracenia ‘Reptilian Rose’ x ‘Adrian Slack’ Update

Sarracenia 'Reptilian Rose' x 'Adrian Slack'
This is just a quick update to follow up on this previous post. The first pitcher of a 2010 cross I did between S. ‘Reptilian Rose’ and S. ‘Adrian Slack’ (parent plants in the photo above) opened up not too long ago. This is only one of the four seedlings that survived from that group. It is still a young plant, but the characteristics of both plants can be seen in this one. The angular lip is there, so is the influence of the color and form from S. ‘Adrian Slack’. I am hoping that the jagged lipped characteristic intensifies as it ages, or shows up even stronger in the other 3 seedlings. The other plants are sending out new pitchers as well and should be opening up pretty soon. So far, I kinda like this one!


Sarracenia 'Reptilian Rose' x 'Adrian Slack'
Sarracenia ‘Reptilian Rose’ x ‘Adrian Slack’

Sarracenia 'Reptilian Rose' x 'Adrian Slack'
Sarracenia ‘Reptilian Rose’ x ‘Adrian Slack’

Sarracenia 'Reptilian Rose' x 'Adrian Slack'
Sarracenia ‘Reptilian Rose’ x ‘Adrian Slack’

S. (leucophylla “Purple Lips” x flava v. rubricorpora) x rosea – Chipola, FL

S. (leucophylla “Purple Lips” x flava v. rubricorpora) x rosea – Chipola, FL

A new pitcher rises for this promising cross. I did thisĀ pollinationĀ on 24 April 2010. I hope this particular seedling can maintain it’s light waxy appearance as it ages.