Tag Archives: 2008


Sarracenia "Legacy"Sarracenia “Legacy
A select clone of S. ‘Leah Wilkerson’ x ‘Adrian Slack’
Cross by Brooks Garcia – 2008

S. ‘Black Widow’ x flava var. ornata

Last year, I didn’t really see any strong defining characteristics with the plants as they were waking up. From what I’m seeing, this year is off to a strong start. Yo, it’s friqin’ exciting seeing the plants wake up looking happy. Most of the plants are still dormant, but there are some that are awake. One of the recent pitchers that I came across was of S. ‘Black Widow’ x flava v. ornata. This cross was done by Dr. Travis H. Wyman in 2008.  I’ll be watching this one as I suspect that it will get darker as the season progresses.

Sarracenia 'Black Widow' x flava v. ornata
S. ‘Black Widow’ x flava v. ornata
Cross by Dr. Travis H. Wyman, 2008

Sarracenia 'Black Widow' x flava v. ornataS. ‘Black Widow’ x flava v. ornata
Cross by Dr. Travis H. Wyman, 2008

Sarracenia ‘Leah Wilkerson’ x ‘Adrian Slack’

Sarracenia 'Leah Wilkerson' x 'Adrian Slack'Sarracenia ‘Leah Wilkerson’ x ‘Adrian Slack’
Cross by Brooks Garcia, 2008
Photo taken 20 October 2012 

Sarracenia “Red Blush” x (‘Leah Wilkerson’ x oreophila)

Sarracenia "Red Blush" x ('Leah Wilkerson' x oreophila)
Sarracenia “Red Blush” x (‘Leah Wilkerson’ x oreophila)
A cross I did back in 2008.