Sarracenia ‘Black Widow’ x flava var. rubricorpora

Back in 2008, Dr. Travis H. Wyman did a cross with two beautiful plants – Sarracenia ‘Black Widow’ x flava var. rubricorpora. This year these babies are showing off some nice characteristics even in my sub par conditions. DUDE… how I am looking forward to getting away from this dark plant-hole. (Insert frustrated expletives here.) Anyway, I’m likin’ what I’m seeing for now – and if they are looking like this now – I could only hope and imagine what they’ll be like once they get full sun!

Like Dr. Wyman tells me – genetics is a crapshoot. You really don’t know what you’ll get. What is so fascinating to me is that there’s so much variation and surprises in store when growing plants from seed. Below is a good example. The heavily veined seedling shot up quick and has nice height to it. The other sibling is shorter, but exhibits a nice red coloration.  In full sun, I would guess that the veined plant would a deeper flush of color once I move into the new place, and I hope that deep red plant goes almost black… We’ll see when we get to that point!

Sarracenia 'Black Widow' x flava var. rubricorpora
Sarracenia ‘Black Widow’ x flava var. rubricorpora

Sarracenia 'Black Widow' x flava var. rubricorpora
Sarracenia ‘Black Widow’ x flava var. rubricorpora

Sarracenia 'Black Widow' x flava var. rubricorpora Sarracenia ‘Black Widow’ x flava var. rubricorpora

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