Category Archives: Video

Darlingtonia Trip 2013: Day 1

Darlingtonia Trip 2013: Day 1Back on 11 October 2013, I had the privilege of being able to check out some Darlingtonia growing in situ with fellow carnie-bro, Mike Wang. (By the way – if you haven’t seen it yet, be sure to stop by the Sarracenia forum and take a look Mike’s amazing photos in his Darlingtonia posts!) As I mentioned in my last post, this would be the first time I ever saw carnivorous plants growing in their natural habitat. Hey, better late than never right? It was a phenomenal experience. Now I have an even deeper appreciation for these magnificent plants. I can’t say enough about what I saw and experienced during this trip. The overstimulation of seeing these majestic plants growing at all the various sites was pure botanical overload. And yes, I savored every second of it. We only had a few short hours of sunlight to explore by on our first day up there. By the time we arrived it was already late afternoon. We tried to see as much as we could and make the most of the fading light. It turned out to be great timing – the lighting at this time of day hit the plants in such a way to give them an otherworldly glow. Here’s a video and a few photos capturing moments from day one of this fantastic Darlingtonia excursion. Stay tuned – video and photos from day 2 to follow!

Click here for the full screen slideshow.


Darlingtonia Trip 2013: Day 1
Road trip cuisine at it’s finest.
Making a peanut butter and jelly sandwich on the road.

Darlingtonia Trip 2013: Day 1
Oh joy, oh rapture! The first clump of Darlingtonia I saw growing in situ!
Darlingtonia californica – Del Norte Co., CA

Darlingtonia Trip 2013: Day 1
Darlingtonia californica – Del Norte Co., CA

Darlingtonia Trip 2013: Day 1Shooting Darlingtonia – Forest marsh site – Del Norte Co., CA

Darlingtonia Trip 2013: Day 1
Darlingtonia californica – Forest marsh site, Del Norte Co., CA

Darlingtonia Trip 2013: Day 1
Darlingtonia californica – Forest marsh site, Del Norte Co., CA

Darlingtonia Trip 2013: Day 1
Mike admires the scenery.
Forest marsh site – Del Norte Co., CA

Darlingtonia Trip 2013: Day 1
Darlingtonia californica – Forest marsh site, Del Norte Co., CA

Darlingtonia Trip 2013: Day 1
Mike and I at the forest marsh site, Del Norte Co., CA

Darlingtonia Trip 2013: Day 1
Alpine Farms site – Del Norte Co., CA

Darlingtonia Trip 2013: Day 1
Mike doin’ his thing.
Alpine Farms site – Del Norte Co., CA

Darlingtonia Trip 2013: Day 1
Alpine Farms site – Del Norte Co., CA

Darlingtonia Trip 2013: Day 1
Alpine Farms site – Del Norte Co., CA

Darlingtonia Trip 2013: Day 1
Alpine Farms site – Del Norte Co., CA

Darlingtonia Trip 2013: Day 1
Roadside site – Del Norte Co., CA

Darlingtonia Trip 2013: Day 1We were in the Alpine Farms area a little bit after sundown and stopped for a few mins. I took the opportunity to do some light painting using the flashlight on my iPhone.

Don and Phil Visit

I recently had my good friends Don Elkins of Mesa Exotics and Phil Faulisi over. They are both phenomenal growers that share this mad Sarracenia passion with me. Although the collection is starting to look pretty crappy at the moment (yeah, it’s that time of year, please pardon the crispy foliage), it was still pretty great geeking out over plants… and bacon ice cream with these guys. 🙂



Thank you September, I’ll see you next year.

September is a month that I’m quite partial to. Perhaps it’s because of the change in season, in weather, and also in pace as summer slowly fades into autumn. My affinity for September could also stem from the fact that this is my birthday month after all.

And of course, gotta love the plants during September! Many of the S. leucophylla and S. leucophylla-influenced plants are still putting on a nice display at this time of the year. This is the final show before the plants head off into winter sleep. I have also done a lot of Sarracenia seed harvesting this month – with only a few more pods left for harvest. I truly enjoy harvest time. This is when those breeding ideas which I’ve had at the start of the season finally come to fruition. Those ideas physically manifest themselves as tiny (yet so very monumental) seeds within the Sarracenia seed pod.

September now draws to a close. I look ahead and quietly devise a plan of attack for the impending onslaught of activity that will ensue once dormancy commences. That is when I do a lot of work with the plants: repotting, dividing, cleaning… I know, it sounds somewhat masochistic, but it’s what I love to do. For now, I will sit back and simply enjoy this calm before the storm.

For your viewing pleasure, I put this short September video together with a few clips from inside the greenhouse. (By the way, not all plants in the video are carnivorous. If you know anything about me, it’s that I enjoy all sorts of botanical radness. I wanted to include a little bit of that here.) Enjoy!

Phil’s Visit

I was honored to have the legend himself, Phil Faulisi, come by and visit the greenhouse. Phil is an accomplished breeder and does some spectacular work with the plants. His work has had a great influence on the way I think about doing crosses. Some of his phenomenal registered cultivars can be found here: More new cultivars from Phil will soon be published – so stay tuned! Anyway, it was great to spend the day just geekin’ out over plants and bouncing breeding ideas off one another. Phil – great having you and thanks again for everything bro!

Pure Imagination

“We are the music makers and we are the dreamer of dreams…” – O’Shaughnessy
Welcome to the Asylum. This is my sanctuary and playground where the botanical figments of my imagination come to life.

Music: Jamie Cullum – Pure Imagination
Album: Momentum