Category Archives: Nepenthes

Weekend Assortment

Hello! Here’s an assortment of pitcher goodness from around the greenhouse  to start your weekend off. Have a great weekend everyone!


Sarracenia leucophylla "Juju Lips" x flava "Widemouth"
Sarracenia leucophylla “Juju Lips” x flava “Widemouth”

Sarracenia "John Rizzi" x 'Judith Hindle'
Sarracenia “John Rizzi” x ‘Judith Hindle’

Nepenthes ventricosa x spectabilis
Nepethes ventricosa x spectabilis – about to open

Sarracenia purpurea "ruffles" x leucophylla pubescent
Sarracenia purpurea “ruffles” x leucophylla – pubescent
Cross by Jerry Addington 

Sarracenia 'Tapestry'
Sarracenia ‘Tapestry’

Nepenthes maxima Hybrid
Nepenthes hybrid

Sarracenia flava var. cuprea
Sarracenia flava var. cuprea

Sarracenia flava var. maxima
Sarracenia flava var. maxima

Nepenthes maxima hybridNepenthes hybrid

Sarracenia leucophylla "Purple Lips" x flava var. ornata
Sarracenia leucophylla “Purple Lips” x flava  var. ornata

Sarracenia "Red Viper"Sarracenia  “Red Viper”

Sarracenia oreophila x 'Royal Ruby'Sarracenia oreophila x ‘Royal Ruby’
Cross by Phil Faulisi

Sarracenia oreophilaSarracenia oreophila

Sarracenia 'Adrian Slack'Sarracenia ‘Adrian Slack’

New Nepenthes Under the Dome

A couple weeks ago I received some incredible Nepenthes from the horticultural force himself, Paul Barden. The plants have been doing well in the Nepenthes dome. It’s slowly filling up, and am very thankful for the generous additions from Nitrogenseekers! Nepenthes is a genus that fascinates me and I can see why it’s so addicting. Here’s a few photos of the new babies that have made their home under the dome. Thanks again, Paul!

Nepenthes Dome
Under The Dome

Nepenthes singalana X (sibuyanensis X ventricosa)
Nepenthes singalana X (sibuyanensis X ventricosa)

Nepenthes poi dog - maxima hybrid
Nepenthes poi dog – maxima hybrid

Nepenthes elgantine
Nepenthes elgantine

Nepenthes hybrid – exact pedigree unknown.
Possible N. splendiana hybrid.

Nepenthes Update

Just a few quick updates on some of the Nepenthes action here!

Nepenthes Fusca HybridHere’s an update on the Nepenthes fusca hybrid cutting from PaulMany of those cuttings are showing growth points at this stage. Woohoo!

Nepenthes hamata
A baby Nepenthes hamata, with a new pitcher.
Oh, the cute little teeth are becoming a little more prominent!

Nepenthes maxima hybrid
A Nepenthes maxima hybrid from Paul.

Nepenthes jamban
Nepenthes jamban, a new pitcher opening.

Poppin’ Jamban

Recently a new pitcher of Nepenthes jamban popped open! This Nepenthes really fascinates me. It has  such a unique … toilet like shape. My understanding is “jamban” in Indonesian translates to “toilet.” Anyway, this Nepenthes by any other name would be just as awesome. I can’t wait for the other pitchers to open up… it has a couple more toilets, er, pitchers… forming that I’m looking forward to!

Nepenthes jamban

Nepenthes jamban

Nepenthes jambanNepenthes jamban

Nepenthes, Illuminated

Just wanted to share a few assorted Nepenthes photos from the end of a bright winter’s work day. The setting sun was coming in at an angle that added a nice subtle glow to the deadly foliage.

Nepenthes thorelii x aristolochioides
Nepenthes thorelii x aristochiloides
(Thanks again Paul! It’s pitchering like mad!)

Nepenthes robcantleyiiNepenthes robcantleyii

Nepenthes hamataNepenthes hamata
A new baby pitcher on a very young plant, but it’s doing well.
So cute. But wait until it gets older, it gets soooo much cuter!
(Thanks Drew!) 

A Few Nepenthes

Here’s a few Nepenthes photos! They’re lovin’ their dome and I’m seeing quite a bit of new pitchers forming. It’s all so exciting for me and I can see why these plants are so addicting!

nepenthes thorelii x aristolochioides

Nepenthes thorelii x aristolochioides

Nepenthes ventricosa X tiveyi
Nepenthes ventricosa x tiveyi

Nepenthes robcantleyii-1
Nepenthes robcantleyii

Nepenthes densiflora x truncata
Nepenthes densiflora x truncata

Nepenthes eymae
Nepenthes eymae

Nepenthes jamban-1-2Nepenthes jamban – new pitcher forming! YAY!

Nepenthes Fusca Hybrid Cutting Update

Back in September, Paul sent me a vine of a Nepenthes fusca hybrid to try cuttings on. Later that month, the cuttings looked like this. Those little grow point things have been slowly but surely growing, and looking good so far! I managed to slice the vine up into 10 pieces and so far 8 still look ok. As referenced in the earlier post, here’s a great link on how to do Nepenthes cuttings. Thanks again Paul!

Nepenthes fusca hybrid cutting
Nepenthes fusca hybrid cutting

Nepenthes fusca hybrid cuttingNepenthes fusca hybrid cutting