Heliamphora heterodoxa x minor
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This work by The Pitcher Plant Project is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License. - All photos/images posted on this blog are the sole property of The Pitcher Plant Project (unless noted otherwise) and is protected under US copyright law. Do not use, print, download to hard drive, or copy any image from this blog without prior permission. If you like it, link to it. Thank you.
- Blog warning: I am not a plant expert. No freekin' way. I just love growing these plants and sharing what may or may not work for me. I consider myself a student - always learning, and always growing, sharing what I learn along the way!
- The plant material I distribute is propagated by me. I have not, and do not collect field specimens for propagation, for sale, or for any other purpose. I do not sell plants or seeds that have been field collected by me or my contacts to fill plant orders.