Here are some examples of AF (Anthocyanin Free, or all green) Sarracenia flava. Now, these are not to be confused with S. flava var. maxima, which still contains anthocyanin, and therefore S. flava var. maxima is not an AF plant. The red pigment in S. flava var. maxima can be visible in the grow points of the new pitchers that are forming, as well as on damaged portions of the plant (such as pitchers, phyllodia, and/or flower stalk.) The plants below are still young and unfortunately have not bloomed for me yet. Maybe next year? I have hopes to use them in future breeding projects and create new lines of AF flava. Fingers crossed!
Sarracenia flava AF – Telogia, Liberty Co. FL
Sarracenia flava AF – Telogia, Liberty Co. FL
Sarracenia flava AF – Colquitt Co. GA
Sarracenia flava AF – Colquitt Co. GA
Sarracenia flava – Shallotte – Brunswick Co., NC
Posted in Anthocyanin Free, Blog
Tagged all green, anthocyanin free, Brunswick, Colquitt, County, flava, Florida, Georgia, Liberty, Liberty County, Pitcher Plant, Sarracenia, Shallotte, Telogia