Last week, the greenhouse was invaded with dragons and princes. Sarracenia-ly speaking, of course! A pair of Sarracenia “Green Dragon” and Sarracenia “Green Prince” have made their homes here. So freaking excited. Those of you who know me know that I LOVE anthocyanin free plants! A huge THANK YOU to Jason Austin of Rarefind Nursery! The plants arrived in great condition! They were a little muddied up, but that’s nothing to worry about at all. I repotted them and hope they’re happy!
Sarracenia “Green Dragon” and Sarracenia “Green Prince” are crosses involving S. “Green Monster” as the pod parent. S. “Green Monster” is fascinating and amazing anthocyanin free version of S. excellens (a minor/leucophylla hybrid) – a cross created by Bill Scholl. S. “Green Dragon” is S. “Green Monster” x purpurea f. heterophylla, and S. “Green Prince” is S. “Green Monster” x leucophylla AF. Both of these crosses were done by Bill Smith in May of 2009, and the seed was sown in December 2009. (Dude, awesome stuff, Bill!)
I’ve done S. purpurea f. heterophylla x “Green Monster” last year (the reciprocal cross of S. “Green Dragon”, using S. purpurea f. heterophylla as the pod parent and S. “Green Monster” as the pollen parent) so it will be interesting to compare them. I would imagine that similar looking plants will arise. My S. leucophylla AF on the other hand hasn’t been dependable in breeding in the past 3 years. That’s why you haven’t seen me doing many crosses with them. The pollen seems to be firing blanks, or something. I think this year a few pods did take, but seed count was very low in the ones I’ve harvested.
Anyway, below are a few photos of some of the new AF plants that have made their home with me. Jason and Rarefind – THANK YOU so much for these awesome plants! Looking forward to seeing them grow!

The princes and dragons arrive.

Sarracenia “Green Prince”

Sarracenia “Green Dragon”
The princes and dragons living together in harmony.