Category Archives: Anthocyanin Free

Sarracenia Rosea Blooms

Here’s a selection of blooms from earlier this season of the ever beautiful S. rosea. Depending who’s naming convention you’d like to roll with, you may know it as S. purpurea ssp. venosa var. burkii. I just like to type S. rosea because typing that other thing out is bound to give me carpal tunnel… yeah.


Sarracenia rosea "Big Mama"
S. rosea “Big Mama”

Sarracenia luteola-2Sarracenia purpurea subsp. venosa var. burkii f. luteola
S. rosea f. luteola – an anthocyanin free mutant

Sarracenia rosea veinless flower
S. rosea – veinless form – Bay Co. FL

Sarracenia flava – Anthocyanin Free

Here are some examples of AF (Anthocyanin Free, or all green) Sarracenia flava. Now, these are not to be confused with S. flava var. maxima, which still contains anthocyanin, and therefore S. flava var. maxima is not an AF plant. The red pigment in S. flava var. maxima can be visible in the grow points of the new pitchers that are forming, as well as on damaged portions of the plant (such as pitchers, phyllodia, and/or flower stalk.) The plants below are still young and unfortunately have not bloomed for me yet. Maybe next year? I have hopes to use them in future breeding projects and create new lines of AF flava. Fingers crossed!

Sarracenia flava AF - Telogia, Liberty Co. FL
Sarracenia flava AF – Telogia, Liberty Co. FL

Sarracenia flava AF - Telogia, Liberty Co. FL
Sarracenia flava AF – Telogia, Liberty Co. FL

Sarracenia flava AF - Colquitt Co. GA
Sarracenia flava AF – Colquitt Co. GA

Sarracenia flava AF - Colquitt Co. GA
Sarracenia flava AF – Colquitt Co. GA

Sarracenia flava - Shallotte, Brunswick Co., NC Sarracenia flava – Shallotte – Brunswick Co., NC

Sarracenia minor – Anthocyanin Free

Sarracenia minor = AF
Sarracenia minor – Anthocyanin Free
New growth rising

Baby Greens

Here’s a few up and coming babies of the anthocyanin free flavor. These seedlings were planted earlier this year and will be facing their first dormancy here pretty soon.


Sarracenia "Green Monster" x alata AF
Sarracenia “Green Monster” x alata AF

Sarracenia wrigleyana AF
Sarracenia wrigleyana AF

Sarracenia catesbaei AF
Sarracenia catesbaei AF

Sarracenia "Green Monster" x minor var. okefenokeensis F2Sarracenia “Green Monster” x minor var. okefenokeensis  – F2
These are a few of the seedlings that exhibit the AF mutation – other seedlings that came out of this batch are non AF. One of the non AF pitchers decided to photobomb this shot and you can see it on the left. It has some red coloration. You can read more about the roots of this particular collaboration breeding project between Jerry Addington, Mike Wang and myself  (as well as see the pod these plants came from) in this blog post. This year I crossed 2 different clones from the original Sarracenia “Green Monster” x minor var. okefenokeensis seedlings and excited to see how those grow out in the coming years.

Sarracenia moorei – Anthocyanin Free

Sarracenia moorei AF-1
A young Sarracenia moorei – anthocyanin free clone
(Sarracenia leucophylla – Anthocyanin Free x flava ‘Suspicion’)

Young and Green

Here’s some young green (anthocyanin free) plants! There’s still a lot of evolving to do, but so far, so good!

Sarracenia (rubra ssp. jonesii AF x minor var. okefenokeensis) x "Green Monster"
Sarracenia (rubra ssp. jonesii AF x minor var. okefenokeensis)
x “Green Monster”
This AF plant is the result of crossing one AF recessive plant with an anthocyanin free plant. This seedling is the only one that survived the multiple moves. Glad that it was the AF one that survived!

Sarracenia moorei AF
Sarracenia moorei AF

Sarracenia mitchelliana AF x "Green Monster"
Sarracenia mitchelliana AF x “Green Monster”

Sarracenia venosa AF
Sarracenia venosa AF F2

Sarracenia courtii AF x purpurea ssp. venosa AF
Sarracenia courtii AF x purpurea ssp. venosa AF

Sarracenia (purpurea heterophylla x rubra ssp. jonesii) x (leucophylla x rubra ssp. gulfensis ) x "Green Monster"
Sarracenia ((purpurea heterophylla x rubra ssp. jonesii AF) x (leucophylla AF x rubra ssp. gulfensis AF)) x “Green Monster”

…and here are a few AF recessive babies that should be fun to work with in future breeding projects!

Sarracenia "Green Monster" x rosea "Big Mama"
Sarracenia “Green Monster” x rosea “Big Mama”

Sarracenia "Green Monster" x rosea "Big Mama"
Sarracenia “Green Monster” x rosea “Big Mama”
I think the little seedling that photo-bombed this photo may be S. “Green Monster” – F2. It’s possible that some of pollen from the pod parent may have gotten on the stigma. At this point, it certainly looks that way.

Sarracenia rosea "Big Mama" x venosa AF
Sarracenia rosea “Big Mama” x venosa AF

Sarracenia 'Doodle Bug' OP - Wide Hood x "Green Monster"
Sarracenia ‘Doodle Bug’ OP Hybrid x “Green Monster”

Spawn of Green Monster

A couple years ago I self pollinated the anthocyanin free excellens (S. leucophylla AF x minor AF) known as Sarracenia “Green Monster.” It’s an outstanding anthocyanin free leucophylla/minor hybrid created by Bill Scholl. It also has been making for some interesting breeding. Below are some photos showing the variation that came from selfing this beast.

Sarracenia "Green Monster"
Sarracenia “Green Monster”

Sarracenia "Green Monster" F2
Sarracenia “Green Monster” F2
Not so many areolas present on this seedling, but I still enjoy the contrast of those polka dots against the neon green.

Sarracenia "Green Monster" F2
Sarracenia “Green Monster” F2
This clone looks like the parent, however if you notice the windows on this baby are slightly raised. Nice!

Sarracenia "Green Monster" F2
Sarracenia “Green Monster” F2
The leucophylla influence on this seedling is really coming through! I like how much white is present on this one.

Sarracenia "Green Monster" F2Sarracenia “Green Monster” F2
This baby has some tall and slender pitchers, very serpentine like.