A Visit to Jerry Addington’s

Jerry Addington

Last month, I once again had the pleasure of visiting one of the great Sarracenia influences in my life, Jerry Addington. It is always a great treat to have been able to visit twice in a season. (Check out my visit to Jerry’s place – June 2015.) Special thanks to my bro Kinjie for making this happen. Company at Jerry’s spot also included fellow Sarracenia-philes Ron Spores and Kyle Hooper on this visit. We had a most excellent time just geeking out over the plants. And yeah, It was absolutely brilliant seeing the plants again; this time they were gowned in their autumnal attire. Leucophyllas and their hybrids were putting on quite the show. And as always – the sheer magnitude of quality and quantity of plants at Jerry’s place is overwhelming. Enjoy a few of the photos from this visit! Just a small sampling of photos are below, but be sure to check out the slideshow for all of the photos from my visit.

Jerry, as always – thank you for everything. Hope to be back again soon!


View slideshow in full screen.

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Sarracenia Squad: [Co, Addington, Coe]

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This was really nice to see. This was grown from seed that I did that I sent Jerry. The parents are S. rosea “Big Mama” x purpurea ssp. venosa AF. You can see the S. “Big Mama” influence in the ala (the “wing” being held) and the other cool thing – this plant is AF recessive! Jerry – hope you can use this in future breeding projects!

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Ron giving us presentation on his recent Sarracenia adventures while we wait for some awesome Thai food!

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