
Thank you September, I’ll see you next year.

September is a month that I’m quite partial to. Perhaps it’s because of the change in season, in weather, and also in pace as summer slowly fades into autumn. My affinity for September could also stem from the fact that this is my birthday month after all.

And of course, gotta love the plants during September! Many of the S. leucophylla and S. leucophylla-influenced plants are still putting on a nice display at this time of the year. This is the final show before the plants head off into winter sleep. I have also done a lot of Sarracenia seed harvesting this month – with only a few more pods left for harvest. I truly enjoy harvest time. This is when those breeding ideas which I’ve had at the start of the season finally come to fruition. Those ideas physically manifest themselves as tiny (yet so very monumental) seeds within the Sarracenia seed pod.

September now draws to a close. I look ahead and quietly devise a plan of attack for the impending onslaught of activity that will ensue once dormancy commences. That is when I do a lot of work with the plants: repotting, dividing, cleaning… I know, it sounds somewhat masochistic, but it’s what I love to do. For now, I will sit back and simply enjoy this calm before the storm.

For your viewing pleasure, I put this short September video together with a few clips from inside the greenhouse. (By the way, not all plants in the video are carnivorous. If you know anything about me, it’s that I enjoy all sorts of botanical radness. I wanted to include a little bit of that here.) Enjoy!

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