Project: Clean Up

Greetings to all of you wonderful people out there! Things in the Asylum are moving along quite quickly. I did manage to repot and clean up a majority of the adult plants this year. That was an ominous undertaking but glad to report that was completed. Because of this, I did not work on too many crosses this year. Honestly around 10-15 or so crosses is all I did as my efforts were concentrated on cleaning up. One ongoing project I an working on this year is simply cleaning and repotting the juvenile plants.

Here’s a few shots of the various tables. Yeah, they are a friggin’ mess. I know. Not everything is pretty in The Asylum. In this mess, however,  there are a few neat little gems to be found.

Sarracenia Seedlings

Sarracenia Seedlings

Sarracenia Seedlings

Seedling mess

Cleaning up seedlingsA few of the juveniles freshly potted up!

WatertableThe table that is slowly filling up back to front with the the new babies. There is a lot to look forward to in the coming seasons!

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