
Here’s a small sampling of early buds and bloomers. Many more blooms are on their way which means many more potential crosses to make into a reality.


Sarracenia alataSarracenia alata

Sarracenia alata - TX
Sarracenia alata – Texas

Sarracenia alata - Covington Co., MS(?)
Sarracenia alata – Covington Co.
(Sorry, I am unsure as to which state. MS or AL…)*
2 Mar 2015 Update: Thanks to feedback from Randy Troup it is of high probability that this S. alata is from Covington Co., MS.  Thank you for the insight, Randy!

Sarracenia oreophila
Sarracenia oreophila

Sarracenia flava var. rubricorpora
Sarracenia flava var. rubricorpora

Sarracenia 'Adrian Slack'
Sarracenia ‘Adrian Slack’

Sarracenia flava AF - Colquitt Co., GA
Sarracenia flava – Anthocyanin Free – Colquitt Co., GA

Sarracenia ‘Reptilian Rose’ x (flava var. rubricorpora x leucophylla) – Clone 9
Sarracenia ‘Reptilian Rose’ x (flava var. rubricorpora x leucophylla) – Clone 9

Sarracenia 'Legacy'
Sarracenia ‘Legacy’

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