A Visit to Phil’s

This past weekend I had a chance to hang with one of the great growers that has been such an inspiration to me – the legend: Phil Faulisi. His plants never cease to amaze!  Enjoy a few highlight photos and the slideshow below, or view the slideshow in fullscreen here! (Phil – thanks again for everything!)


A visit to Phil’s Sarracenia Wonderland! 14 Sep 2014
(Also note, you can use your arrow keys to go back and forth… )

Phil Faulisi - 14 Sep 2014

Phil Faulisi - 14 Sep 2014

Phil Faulisi - 14 Sep 2014

Phil Faulisi - 14 Sep 2014

Phil Faulisi - 14 Sep 2014

Phil Faulisi - 14 Sep 2014

Phil Faulisi - 14 Sep 2014

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