Sarracenia “Green Monster” x alata AF

Hey everyone! Hope you’ve been well. The past couple of months have been quite eventful, but rest assured that things in The Asylum are still pretty busy! I’m working on re-potting seedlings that have been in community pots and I’m finding some fascinating things within those pots.

One of the recent discoveries was a pot of S. “Green Monster” x alata AF that I had almost forgotten about. You know, outta sight, outta mind… Well, it was pretty nice finding that stash. One of the seedlings from this cross are photographed below. It’s still pretty young but showing some potential…

Sarracenia alata AF x Green Monster
Sarracenia “Green Monster” x alata AF

Sarracenia alata AF x Green Monster
Sarracenia “Green Monster” x alata AF

Sarracenia alata AF x Green Monster
Sarracenia “Green Monster” x alata AF

Sarracenia alata AF x Green Monster
Sarracenia “Green Monster” x alata AF


I know it doesn’t look like much, but below is a new table I recently put together that I’m slowly filling up with seedlings. So far, it’s allĀ  antho free but it will be a mix of cool stuff. The seedlings look all scattered and messed up, but they’ll look a little better once they establish themselves and put up some new pitchers. I’m really anticipating some cool plants. At the moment, I’m actually building a 2nd table. Never ending Sarracenia expansion!

AF Seedlings
New seedling table slowly filling up!

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