Bringing the House Down

When I moved into this greenhouse, there was a greenhouse inside of the greenhouse that I figured would be great for Nepenthes and other plants. (You can see the dome structure in the first few photos of this post.) Well, after getting to know this greenhouse for an entire growing season, I realized that I didn’t really need it. The Nepenthes do great growing out with the Sarracenia here! I moved the Nepenthes out earlier in June, and they’ve been happy ever since. I had a few Nepenthes cuttings under the dome, but seems like they’re also doing well enough to be placed out with the rest of the plants. Now that the Dome is down, I have more room for plants! YES! I’ll be constructing 3 more water tables for Sarracenia in the place where the house once stood. Here’s a few photos documenting the take down.

Greenhouse Takedown
The Dome.

Greenhouse Takedown
Under The Dome – used for a few Nepenthes cuttings, bromeliads, and a few others. Those plants would also do well in the main growing area. The space that the Dome occupied would be better used for more Sarracenia!

Greenhouse Takedown
And the cover comes off.

Greenhouse Takedown
The Dome after a little hacksaw action.

Greenhouse Takedown
The house has been brought down.

Greenhouse Takedown
More space!

Greenhouse TakedownNext project – building 3 more water tables where the house once stood. I have a feeling that the those 3 tables will be filled up pretty quickly!

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