Baby Greens

Here’s a few up and coming babies of the anthocyanin free flavor. These seedlings were planted earlier this year and will be facing their first dormancy here pretty soon.


Sarracenia "Green Monster" x alata AF
Sarracenia “Green Monster” x alata AF

Sarracenia wrigleyana AF
Sarracenia wrigleyana AF

Sarracenia catesbaei AF
Sarracenia catesbaei AF

Sarracenia "Green Monster" x minor var. okefenokeensis F2Sarracenia “Green Monster” x minor var. okefenokeensis  – F2
These are a few of the seedlings that exhibit the AF mutation – other seedlings that came out of this batch are non AF. One of the non AF pitchers decided to photobomb this shot and you can see it on the left. It has some red coloration. You can read more about the roots of this particular collaboration breeding project between Jerry Addington, Mike Wang and myself  (as well as see the pod these plants came from) in this blog post. This year I crossed 2 different clones from the original Sarracenia “Green Monster” x minor var. okefenokeensis seedlings and excited to see how those grow out in the coming years.

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