Sarracenia “Green Monster” x rosea “Big Mama”

Sarracenia “Green Monster” x rosea “Big Mama”  is a cross I did back in 2011, and started to germinate in May of 2012. I’m looking forward to using these in future AF breeding projects as they contain the recessive anthocyanin-free gene… good times!

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Sarracenia “Green Monster” x rosea “Big Mama”

You’ll notice in the photo below that there are some young AF seedlings in the mix that look like young S. “Green Monsters.” Well, that’s probably because they are! I can tell because they’re anthocyanin free. Otherwise, they would look like the ones with the purpurea influence — and red coloration is obviously from S. rosea “Big Mama.”  Ah, this reminds me that one can use a flower as a pod parent for multiple crosses.  I haven’t tried this purposely … at least, not yet. If I purposely threw some more pollen of S. “Green Monster” onto a stigma or two of that very same flower, I would of ended up with even more anthocyanin free S. “Green Monster” F2 seedlings in this batch. Again, it would be easy to tell in the offspring which ones those would be as they would be the anthocyanin free ones. Yeah – I try to be as careful as I can when doing my crosses, however there’s always a chance that a little pollen grain can sneak onto a stigma.

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Sarracenia “Green Monster” x rosea “Big Mama”
The anthocyanin-free pitchers are S. “Green Monster” F2. So far perhaps 2-3 plants from this batch are S. “Green Monster” F2.

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