Spawn of Green Monster

A couple years ago I self pollinated the anthocyanin free excellens (S. leucophylla AF x minor AF) known as Sarracenia “Green Monster.” It’s an outstanding anthocyanin free leucophylla/minor hybrid created by Bill Scholl. It also has been making for some interesting breeding. Below are some photos showing the variation that came from selfing this beast.

Sarracenia "Green Monster"
Sarracenia “Green Monster”

Sarracenia "Green Monster" F2
Sarracenia “Green Monster” F2
Not so many areolas present on this seedling, but I still enjoy the contrast of those polka dots against the neon green.

Sarracenia "Green Monster" F2
Sarracenia “Green Monster” F2
This clone looks like the parent, however if you notice the windows on this baby are slightly raised. Nice!

Sarracenia "Green Monster" F2
Sarracenia “Green Monster” F2
The leucophylla influence on this seedling is really coming through! I like how much white is present on this one.

Sarracenia "Green Monster" F2Sarracenia “Green Monster” F2
This baby has some tall and slender pitchers, very serpentine like.

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