Sarracenia minor – Anthocyanin Free

Sarracenia minor is one of those plants that have such simple and streamlined beauty. No frills, no overly loud-melt-your-face-off colors for the most part (although I enjoy that too…) It’s just a simple hood, and windows to draw prey by. Minimalistic elegance. I’m enamored by the anthocyanin free version of it as it really draws my attention to the gracious form and beauty of the plant. As with the other anthocyanin free plants, the bright neon green makes it seem as if the plant were glowing. Here are a couple different clones of anthocyanin free Sarracenia minor.

Sarracenia minor AF
Sarracenia minor – anthocyanin free

Sarracenia minor AF
Sarracenia minor – anthocyanin free

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