S.’Reptilian Rose’ x ‘Adrian Slack’ – The Four 2010 Clones

Back in 2010 I crossed S. ‘Reptilian Rose’ with pollen from S. ‘Adrian Slack’ and only 4 out of the batch for that year survived. You can see more photos of the first clone that really took off this year in this post. For now I’m giving them a numerical designation. I’m partial to clones one and two. Both of these have clear influence from both parent plants. I’d love to see more of that angular nectar roll, but who knows if that characteristic would be reflected as it matures next year. I like the color on clone three, but I want to see how the pitchers will be like next year. Clone four turned out to be the runt of this pack. Pitchers are still very small on four and not too exciting for me. We’ll see what it will do in the coming years.

Sarracenia 'Reptilian Rose' x 'Adrian Slack'
Sarracenia ‘Reptilian Rose’ x ‘Adrian Slack’ – Clone 1

Sarracenia 'Reptilian Rose' x 'Adrian Slack' - Clone 2
Sarracenia ‘Reptilian Rose’ x ‘Adrian Slack’ – Clone 2

Sarracenia 'Reptilian Rose' x 'Adrian Slack' - Clone 2
Sarracenia ‘Reptilian Rose’ x ‘Adrian Slack’ – Clone 2

Sarracenia 'Reptilian Rose' x 'Adrian Slack' - Clone 2
Sarracenia ‘Reptilian Rose’ x ‘Adrian Slack’ – Clone 2

Sarracenia 'Reptilian Rose' x 'Adrian Slack'
Sarracenia ‘Reptilian Rose’ x ‘Adrian Slack’ – Clone 3

Sarracenia 'Reptilian Rose' x 'Adrian Slack'
Sarracenia ‘Reptilian Rose’ x ‘Adrian Slack’ – Clone 4

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