Sarracenia ‘Reptilian Rose’ x (flava v. rubricorpora x leucophylla)

More of Dr. Travis H. Wyman’s handiwork with S. ‘Reptilian Rose’. Here is only one of the few clones that I have grown out from seed of his cross. Dr. Wyman did this cross in 2008. This particular clone is making a beautiful comeback! It is also showing consistent irregular and chunky nectar roll character which is the thing that I love so much with S. ‘Reptilian Rose’. S. ‘Reptilian Rose’ is hands down one of my favorites and was created by the legendary Phil Faulisi. I hope to have some great updates on the rest of the siblings — especially next growing season. Quite a few of them have thrown up some great spring pitchers in the past. If you have some time, check out this past update on some of those siblings seedlings and other S. ‘Reptilian Rose’ crosses.

Sarracenia 'Reptilian Rose' x (flava v. rubricorpora x leucophylla)
Sarracenia ‘Reptilian Rose’ x (flava v. rubricorpora x leucophylla)

Sarracenia 'Reptilian Rose' x (flava v. rubricorpora x leucophylla)Sarracenia ‘Reptilian Rose’ x (flava v. rubricorpora x leucophylla)

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