Sarracenia alata “Veinless”

If you’ve been following my blog, following me on twitter, or even had a 2 minute conversation with me about Sarracenia, you already know that my obsession is anthocyanin free plants. (Those are plants that lack anthocyanin, or the pigments that give the plants the colors that range from red to blue.) I know, I know… I am strange.

I must confess that I think I’m starting to have a little crush on veinless plants too. They’re hawt. (GASP!) Now, those are not anthocyanin free as there’s still some red/pink tones in the leaves. “Erm…OH GAWD ROB, THAT’S SO BLAND AND BORING!“, you may say. Well, yeah. Duh. It’s different. And I like it! I find that vienless plants have this delicate and elegant element about them. Perhaps it’s the hues of the pink and yellows that leads me to think this. It gives the plant this quiet glow. Such a nice contrast to all the face-melting loud coloration and patterns of many a fine specimen out there. (Hey, there’s nothing wrong with those either, love those too!)

Here’s a few photos of  S. alata “veinless.” I know that there’s some faint veins in the photos below, but as it ages,  I think that those fade out anyway. I received the plant this year. Along with the rest of the plants, it has had a rough spring/summer and now recovering quite nicely. It’s making a good comeback and looking forward to more veinless goodness next season.

Sarracenia alata - veinlessSarracenia alata “veinless”

Sarracenia alata - veinlessSarracenia alata “veinless”

Sarracenia alata - veinlessSarracenia alata “veinless”

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