Mouthy Offspring

Sarracenia flava "Widemouth" x (leucophylla "red" x minor okefenokeensis)Sarracenia flava “Widemouth” x
(leucophylla “Red” x minor var. okefenokeensis)

A cross I did back in 2009 that I germinated in 2010 now showing some “mouthy” character. The pod parent plant is a flava clone I got from Karen Oudean which she calls Sarracenia flava “Widemouth”. (Check out this prior post for a photo of   S. flava “Widemouth” from earlier this year.) It has a larger that your average spout-for-a-mouth and I can kind of see some of that in the one seedling above. This was one of those “OMG, I almost forgot about this thing” discoveries I referenced earlier. I also wrote about one of the siblings here – but not even sure if that one I wrote about earlier was one of the survivors of the group. I kinda like  this one. It looks to have a very slight bulge at the top of the pitcher. Only time will tell what it will really be like as it matures.

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