September Update

Hello September! Crazy to think that this year is already winding down. For me, it feels as if my season has only begun. After all, it’s the first time this year where I can actually let the plants grow correctly! It’s been a busy these past couple of weeks, but I’ve finally had time to get a little work done in the greenhouse. I’ve begun to get things covered!  My two projects as of late have been the water tables and the dome. The dome will serve as a Nepenthes house. Here’s a few photos from Saturday, 1 September 2012 documenting some progress. YEAH! Finally!


September Coverage
The dome got covered. I don’t have all the greenhouse clamps in for the plastic so it’s still a little rough looking. It will all get tightened up once greenhouse snap clamps arrive. I originally ordered 20, but quickly found that it was not enough for something of this size.

September CoverageInside the dome. Still a little bit of clean up but it’s looking a lot better than when I first moved in. Weeds in this area are now under control and the shade cloth is up, but not completely fastend.  The shade cloth will be secured once those clamps come in.

September CoverageNaked water tables! Before I moved in, these were previously covered with plain ol’ painting plastic. I mean, that’s fine for like — five minutes.  The UV and direct sun will bake that and the stuff will go crumbling like I mentioned here. That’s one mess that I do not want to deal with. I got special UV treated greenhouse plastic to use for these giant watering tray tables and the stuff can last for years.

September CoveragePlastic cut to the width of the tables.  Time to unfold!

September CoverageWith the help of my awesome wifey, Dahlia,  we got 5 tables covered in about an hour or so. There’s 2 more tables on the other side of the greenhouse but I just need to pick up some more specialty screws/fastener thingmabobbers that secure the plastic to. I’m not sure I need the other tables covered just yet – but being that the carnivorous collection already covers about 5 tables, I may just go ahead and cover those other 2 tables soon. I still have to level a few of these tables but as far as I’m concerned, I like this set up much better! No more watering many many trays, but rather just one large tray at a time.

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